can you wing sex silkies, and if so are which of these photos are male vs female?


Apr 23, 2023
can you wing sex silkies? if so, which of these photos are male vs female? Also if you cannot wing sex them how can I figure out there gender?thanks


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if you cannot wing sex them how can I figure out there gender?
You can wait until it becomes obvious. For Silkies, that can be many months, because many of the traits that we usually use to sex chicks are not obvious in Silkies (can't see red combs, because they are black. Hard to see big combs & wattles because of crests & beards. Can't see male-specific saddle feathers because of the different texture of Silkie feathers. etc.)

Crowing almost always means a male, and laying an egg absolutely means a female. Unfortunately, that can mean you are waiting anywhere from 2 months (for a male that crows early) to 6+ months (for some females and some slower-developing males.)

If it is important to know soon, you could try DNA testing:
You mail in a blood sample or a few feathers that you pluck, and after a bit you get an email saying the answer is available online. They have instructions & prices on the site.

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