BYM chicks for Valentine's Day!


Sep 29, 2023
Hey Y'All!

I have eggs incubating right now, currently at day #18, that are due to hatch by next week! (Valentine's Day Gift for your sweetheart!) 💕
They are barnyard mix, but some of the breeds in my coop are Satin Silkies, Lavender Orphingtons, Buff Orphington, Black Orphington, Mottled Gray Orphington, Black Australorp, Bantams, Cinnamon Queens, Sapphire Gem, Frizzle, Welsummer Mixes, just to give you an idea of the possible outcome for the chicks. There may be a few that I decide to keep, but I am hoping to sell some of them too, to further the finances on my Bobwhite quail goal for this year. I recently bought more quail - hens and roos, but I've got a ways to go in order to reach my goal for 2024. I can send you some pictures of what is available once they start hatching. Lockdown Day is today, so they should start hatching within the next few days....just in time for Valentine's! ❤️💗🤍💗❤️

Have a good weekend,

Smith's Fluffy Butts Moma
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How did the hatch go?
I incubated 24, and 23 of the 24 hatched out! :). I waited some time for the last one to hatch out, but it never did. When I opened it up (very carefully), it's head was tucked under the wrong wing. :( It happens sometimes 😒, but I think overall, I had a great hatch rate!

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