Buy local and get no mareks vaccine or worth ordering?


13 Years
May 6, 2011
Hello. I am just getting to keep chickens again after a ten year break. I can buy my chicks locally, but the local hatchery doesn’t offer the mareks vaccine. I’m considering ordering online instead so that they can get vaccinated. Worth it? They’re going in a new coop on new property, but tons of wild birds and wild turkey.
Hello. I am just getting to keep chickens again after a ten year break. I can buy my chicks locally, but the local hatchery doesn’t offer the mareks vaccine. I’m considering ordering online instead so that they can get vaccinated. Worth it? They’re going in a new coop on new property, but tons of wild birds and wild turkey.
Definitely worth it to get the vaccine I think. But then some would say it’s better to build up immunity and breed for that (if you’re breeding). It’s up to you. Vaccinated birds can still carry and shed the virus to unvaccinated birds so you couldn’t hatch or buy local if you did that, at least not without risk. My vaccinated birds killed some of my unvaccinated ones because of that exact reason. So that’s definitely a factor and a risk. But if you just want good egg layers and/or pets or whatever and don’t care about breeding or anything then I would definitely vaccinate IMO.
Definitely worth it to get the vaccine I think. But then some would say it’s better to build up immunity and breed for that (if you’re breeding). It’s up to you. Vaccinated birds can still carry and shed the virus to unvaccinated birds so you couldn’t hatch or buy local if you did that, at least not without risk. My vaccinated birds killed some of my unvaccinated ones because of that exact reason. So that’s definitely a factor and a risk. But if you just want good egg layers and/or pets or whatever and don’t care about breeding or anything then I would definitely vaccinate IMO.
Thank you. That’s exactly what I want. Pets and eggs. I won’t ever breed because I can’t have roosters. Thank you!!
Why is that? They are still considered organic is vaccinated. Genuinely curious
I'm not a fan of this vaccine because vaccinated birds can still carry the virus and infect other birds. And it is unnecessary chemicals you are adding to the animals that will be providing food for you. The term "organic" is used very loosely and doesn't mean anything to me here
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I also had mine vaccinated. It's affordable and will protect them. Mareks is a awful heartbreaking disease. I say prevention is better because Mareks is everywhere. It's definitely worth it.

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