

7 Years
Aug 25, 2015
Hi, we caught our roosters bumblefoot early and had the vet remove the infection under anaesthetic. He’s a heavy lad at 5.5 kg (the rooster, not the vet 🤓). He removed his spurs and cauterised them whilst under.

He was walking ok after 3 days, but he was going every morning for Metacam painkiller injection, and antibiotic injection ok?

The vet said his foot is healing well, no infection at all and to start bathing 20 minutes a day in warm water with Epsom salts, and gave us some Flamazine 1.0 antibiotic cream to apply very sparingly, then re bandage to do this twice a day.

We trust the vet implicitly and he is a poultry specialist. 😊

Since bathing though, he is limping VERY VERY badly, so much so he isn’t even attempting to walk now. 😔

He is booked in again for a check up in a few days.

We carry him to bed (he sleeps on a pillow next to our bed), then back down in the morning where he sits on the settee all day - we carry him outside for fresh air though, and have the door open so it’s nice for him.

The vet said it’s healing well, and as expected but, we can’t understand why he has started limping SO BADLY. The vet said maybe he is OVER compensating with his limp.

If this was a human, I’d expect they would be advised NOT to walk on it, to have bed or chair rest & use crutches, so we’re trying to stay positive.

He isn’t eating as well as usual but his comb is a good colour, he’s only two years old, a big buff Orpington.

His best pal has recently passed away so it’s been a very upsetting three weeks for him…

Can anyone put my mind at rest as to why he is limping so badly? Or give any advice?

Thank you xx
This is his foot a week after surgery.


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Did the vet show you how to correctly wrap his foot to not cut off circulation which would make things worse?

Did you keep him in a cage to help rest the injured foot?

A picture of both feet might help to try to determine what is wrong.
Did the vet show you how to correctly wrap his foot to not cut off circulation which would make things worse?

Did you keep him in a cage to help rest the injured foot?

A picture of both feet might help to try to determine what is wrong.
Hi, thank you so much for responding.

The vet said the way we wrapped it was really good. Yep - I’m very very careful, and wrapping it loosely. 😕

We definitely would have put him in a cage if he was trying to walk yes. But he’s not even trying… he’s just sat next to me on the sofa now, which is good as he loves to snuggle, he’s very tame. He certainly knows we love him thank goodness.

I’ve just re bandaged his foot (and not applied the antibiotic cream ‘cos I’m wondering if it’s that which is causing pain? I just don’t know… ) and he’s settled, so I’ll take photographs tomorrow morning and post them.

Thanks for responding - it’s causing a lot of heart ache worrying, and so feeling other people can give insight share experience helps a lot.

Thanks ❤️❤️

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