Black flakes in layer feed?

Good deal.

I highly recommend that you use a crumbled or pelleted feed instead of offering whole grain feed like you're offering now.
Offering this type of feed gives the birds a choice to pick and choose what they want to eat or don't want to eat, which could cause them to not get a balanced diet... Which in turn will cause issues.
Yeah I was thinking about switching to pelleted feed but I can’t find any locally for nearly as good of a price. Here where I live you can’t get a back of crumble or pellets for cheaper than $45 for 20kg bag :/
I also don’t free feed my flock so they have to eat whatever is in the feeder before they get more.
I went back and looked at your pictures and that looks like what I buy when I buy a bag of scratch to throw in the run in the afternoon once in a while.
I just looked at my scratch and it's all grains, no sunflower hulls.
I'm guessing if you look at the tag that there is no way that's layer feed.
It’s definitely layer feed. I can see the calcium, split peas, cracked corn, and wheat in there. I’ve just never purchased layer feed with sunflower meal before

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