Bait fish/minnows for ducks


Jul 2, 2019
Are minnows from a bait store safe for ducks? I've read fish are high in vitamin D which is what I suspect is the the issue with one of my girls laying as they get free access to crushed egg shells and oyster shells.
Any other suggestions to increase vitamins D?
Sure. Both types of bait shop minnows are also found in the wild. My 3 muscovy chase minnows thru out the day. As fast as ducks can peck, I'm sure it's part of their natural diet. The gambusia (mosquito) minnow, like guppy yet much much hardier, is easy to aquarium (Koi pond) raise if your ducks think they are a neat treat. Maybe put 'em in kiddie pool for stimulation.
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That sounds neat! I’ve never thought about giving them bait fish!
oh my goodness it’s so much fun!! It’s best to change the pool water so it’s clear right before you throw them minnows in you can see them swimming around and the ducks go crazy!!

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