Baby Chicks - Bloody Stool or Intestinal Lining?


In the Brooder
May 17, 2023
Hi, I have four buff Orpington chicks who are about 4 weeks old. 5 days ago I noticed some blood looking color in their stool, it wasn’t a lot but not something I noticed before. The day before I did change their pine shavings and they were definitely eating some. Out of precaution I treated with Corid for 5 days and finished today. I have noticed more of the blood coloring in the stool throughout this time. No one has acted sick this whole time. I tried changing them to paper during this so I could monitor their stool better and so they wouldn’t eat any pine shavings but they ate the paper worse. 😩

Today is the day when I should be finishing the Corid but when I was cleaning them out I noticed more of the stool and probably more than a few days ago. Like I said they are all acting totally fine. Not every poop has it in either. Are they just eating things they shouldn’t eat? They really haven’t been outside yet, just a couple of times I sat them there to take a photo when they were smaller. So they haven’t had much exposure to anything but they were eating non medicated feed. I also began giving chick grit when I noticed them eating the wood shavings. I have some other girls that were hatched earlier this spring that are already in their coop and run and I would like these girls to join them in a couple of weeks. But now I’m concerned as the blood is still present. I should also say in the one photo I smeared the poop on the paper towel so I could get a better look at the blood amount. Thanks for any help or insight as to what could be going on. 🐥


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Welcome To BYC

Cute Chicks!

How are they acting?

First photo is intestinal shedding. Second photo could be as well. If you gave a full course and correct dosing of Corid, then I'd monitor the poop for a few days and see how it goes.

If they are all active, eating/drinking then likely there's nothing wrong.

Just in case you need it:
Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.
Welcome To BYC

Cute Chicks!

How are they acting?

First photo is intestinal shedding. Second photo could be as well. If you gave a full course and correct dosing of Corid, then I'd monitor the poop for a few days and see how it goes.

If they are all active, eating/drinking then likely there's nothing wrong.

Just in case you need it:
Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.
Thanks so much for the reply!

Everyone is acting just fine and they acted fine the whole time thankfully. It’s been a week now since I stopped the Corid so I’m hopeful whatever it was is gone.

Thank you again and thank you for the dosing reminder as well, I appreciate it!

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