April Showers, Bring May Flowers.....NOT!!!!

Well, try living in WISCONSIN! lol Yesterday, I saw ALL FOUR SEASONS in one day! This is how it went:

Woke up to a bright sunny morning, about 65 and warm. No breeze. 'Great!' I thought, 'I'll get up and let the chicks out for a bit!' That lasted all of about 2 hours. Then the sky went grey and thunder shook the house. Winds picked up to somewhere around 35 mph and then it down-poured for another 2 hours or so. Then, the sun came back out but the temp was only around 35, but theres a big pretty rainbow in the sky. 'Weird' I think, and then it starts to SNOW! I dont mean just light flurries either! I mean those HUGE snowflakes that weigh a ton to shovel! So, within another 2 hours we had a bit of snow covering everything, and my children and I hid in the bathtub because we felt sure this MUST be the end of the world! Then the snow stops, and the sun comes out and quickly warms back up to near 70's and melts it all away. 'what??' I'm thinking. Well, we finish out the daylight hours with nice warm weather, until sunset. The night is long with really strong winds and chilly temps, so cold I had to check the chicks a few times during the night because I was sure they would be little chicken-popsicles! They were fine, but they looked as confused about the day as I was!

And THATS why Wisconsin SUCKS when it comes to "predictable weather"...lol

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