Advise on cockerels situation with 2 flocks of hens


11 Years
Aug 2, 2012
Brenham TX
Hello everyone!
I ordered a bantam cockerel for my 11 hens and 6 pullets. All the females are standard size. I figured that if the cockerel turned out aggressive, I would be able to handle him. My chick order consisted on 7 females and the male bantam. Unfortunately one of the pullets was a male so I ended up with one standard size cockerel and one bantam. They are 21 weeks old now. The bantam is aggressive, however the standard size one is not (so far). I have already integrated everybody. They share the same big yard all day long. At night the pullets and the cockerels go to their coop and the 11 hens (of different ages) go to their 2 coops. I have multiple feeders and waterers in the runs, everybody has access to the them and they come and go as they please. The big cockerel is the alpha and keeps fighting the bantam, he does not let the bantam mate (although he sneaks around and mates them when the big one is not around). At roosting time, the big cockerel does not let the bantam in the coop, he chases him out. Eventually he makes it into the coop to roost overnight.
My concern is that due to the aggressiveness of the bantam cockerel, the 2 cockerels are eventually going to get in a big fight. I would really like to keep the big cockerel because he seems to have good rooster qualities and no signs of human aggression at this point.
I have another yard completely separated from the big yard with 4 hens (3 and 10 yo) I am thinking about moving the bantam cockerel with them so he can have his own flock.
I am asking for advise wondering if the 4 hens will be enough for the bantam and how to introduce him to this flock, do I put him in a cage for few days so the hens can see him or put them together in their big yard under supervision.
4 large hens should be enough for a bantam cockerel. Understand that initially they may fight him in a normal pecking order adjustment.
I would try it, but no guarantees. Definitely get him out of the flock you have him in now. Always solve for peace in the flock.
Oh don't I know it. Nothing is written on stone when it comes to roosters, all we can hope is for a good outcome and of course have plan B just in case.
I want to give an update on the integration of my bantam boy and the 4 hens. I just moved him in the morning, placed him in the yard. Immediately, the alpha hen (10 yo) went after him and had a couple of squabbles. The other hens (3 yo) gave it a try but nothing too aggressive. After 2 weeks, he is still trying to find his place in the flock. The alpha hen and him still fight every now and then and one of the other hens also chases him around and away. So I believe they are teaching him some manners and maybe when Spring comes, they will let him mate them...... or not. All in all, I am happy with the arrangement and thankful that all went well so far. He is now in a much better situation.

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