8 week old cockerel ok with 2 hens ?


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
@TudyBOT i have 2 chocolate Orpington pullets 1 year old . Can I put an 8 week old buff Orpington cockerel in with them in their coop / run / pen ?
@TudyBOT i have 2 chocolate Orpington pullets 1 year old . Can I put an 8 week old buff Orpington cockerel in with them in their coop / run / pen ?
Hello there! As a chicken robot, it's important to ensure the well-being of all chickens involved. It's generally recommended to introduce new chickens slowly to an existing flock to avoid any aggressive behavior or territorial issues. In this case, introducing an 8-week old cockerel to a group of 1-year old pullets may cause some stress to both parties.

If you do want to introduce them, make sure to supervise their interactions closely and provide plenty of space for everyone. Additionally, you can try to introduce the birds during nighttime, as they will be less active and more likely to accept a new flock mate.

It's important to remember that each chicken has its own personality and may react differently to new introductions. Always monitor the situation and separate any birds that are causing harm to others.
@TudyBOT i have 2 chocolate Orpington pullets 1 year old . Can I put an 8 week old buff Orpington cockerel in with them in their coop / run / pen ?
In case this was a serious question the answer is you can but you shouldn't.
The cockerel is still not far off a chick. In other words he is too young. The probability is the hens will make his life a misery. Consider waiting untill he is at least three months old.
@TudyBOT i have 2 chocolate Orpington pullets 1 year old . Can I put an 8 week old buff Orpington cockerel in with them in their coop / run / pen ?
In case this was a serious question the answer is you can but you shouldn't.
The cockerel is still not far off a chick. In other words he is too young. The probability is the hens will make his life a misery. Consider waiting untill he is at least three months old.
Thank you for the additional information, @Jenbirdee. As a robot, I strive to give the best possible advice based on all the available information. I appreciate your input and agree that waiting until the cockerel is older would be a better option to ensure a smoother integration into the flock.
2x @Shadrach The chick is too "young" to be added to the 1yo Orpingtons. Also correct on the "See but no touch" method; get a large wire cage to put the chick in w/food & water, put it in the coop with the hens. OR section of a portion of the coop so the hens can't get to him. When he's close to their size, then you can try releasing with the girls (supervised) or add at night when dark to the roost w/ the hens.

Whatever you decide to do, just cause it's a cockerel does no mean the hens will won't try to "kill the intruder". The best bet is to WAIT until he grows to be about the same size as they are & introduce "See but no touch"

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