wound cleaning

  1. T

    Ducks attacked by rats - how to clean the wound? (Warning, picture)

    I was cleaning out the coop this morning and noticed one of my ducks sitting in the corner (the rest were all outside). I picked her up and the skin on her back and all of her feathers was gone. Her sibling (another buff) had the same. Picture is below, warning to those who are squeamish. My...
  2. EggAndTofu

    Turkey lethargic due to peck wound?

    The wound is located on the back of her head, she has another smaller injury near the side of her face. I believe the cause was my older turkey hen. The wound itself is small, but it does seem pretty deep. I cant tell if it's bad or not since I don't have experience with these injuries. The...
  3. A

    Deep pecking wound

    I have a chicken with a pretty deep wound. I isolated her and rinsed her wound out with saline. I am spraying her with Banixx too. She keeps trying to pick at it so I am considering putting a child shirt on her to prevent her pecking at it. The wound is towards the end of her wing near her tail...
  4. J

    What do I do with the wound from here?

    I have 19 5 week old Buff Orpington chicks and this morning I found one that was bleeding with the other chicks pecking at the wounded area. I removed her from the pen they're currently in (about 3ft x 6ft, and will be expanded again soon until they can be moved to the outside run/coop) and am...
  5. A

    Day old chick is leaking beige fluid from back wound?

    So basically yesterday morning I woke up to find a random chick in with my girls, one of these sneak clutch moments, and clearly the poor thing had been stamped and/or pecked, because they have a few cuts and wounds. Fresh fresh baby. I managed to stem the bleeding from the ones they have around...
  6. SunnySideSilkies

    Silkie Attacked, Neck wound. Need Help

    Contains graphic images My silkie hen was attacked by something today (12/27) around 12pm is when I found her. she has a very large "hole" in the back of her neck. I believe that I can see blood vessels and her trachea/esophagus (whichever one sits in the back of the neck). she is alive and...
  7. Duck111


    So I have never had this happen where I try to fix something this large, I really didn't think this poor little guy would not survive the Hawk attack. He was about 5 days old when this happen, this happen about 12 days ago. He started to improve by the 2nd to 3rd day. Eats alot but his eye sight...
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