worms in poop

  1. R

    Green seeds or parasite?

    So today I noticed what appeared to be tiny green seeds in my chickens poop. A lot of them. I donned gloves and checked throughout the poop. The “seeds” can be squished and an audible pop is heard and white paste comes out. But could this be parasite larvae?? They have access to grass and dirt...
  2. Alexar232

    Duck has worms

    So I just discovered my duck has worms. She hasn’t been walking for a few months so she has been extra high maintenance from taking her out of the house putting her in the pool and putting her back home. I hold her up with a towel and let her use her feet to walk like physical therapy. Oh the...
  3. filmcmahon

    worms in chicken poop!!!

    hello all. today when i went to free range my girls, my 11 month old dwarf colombian rock hen (never matured, doesn’t lay) was still sitting on the roost in the coop where she sleeps. i picked her up and soon noticed all the feathers near her vent wear soaking wet, vile smelling, and black...
  4. lavenderforluck

    Is this worms?

    Hi there! Just checking in - we have one of our girls in a short-term isolation due to being picked on and noticed something in her poop this morning (see images). Is this a worm? We don't have access to a fecal flotation through our vet right away and wondering if someone could tell by looking...
  5. Pennys Mama

    Moxidextrin/Praziquantel (Quest-Plus) for tapeworms?

    Is anybody familiar with the use of this product, Quest-Plus Equine Gel, to worm their chickens? The Farmers Coop didn't carry the Equimax that I was recommended. Wondering if anyone knows the dosing for chickens, is it the same as with the Equimax? It does still have praziquantel in it but...
  6. Pennys Mama

    Worms??? Please HELP!!!

    :barnieI know this has got to be worms of some sort. Can someone please tell me the best treatment for this specific "worm". This is the 1st poo that I've seen like this. No one is acting sick at the moment with the exception of sniffles & sneezing. I do have a hen with "Nasty Butt", but I...
  7. Zillaah

    White rice looking things in poop - help!

    Today I noticed these tiny rice looking things in some poops. Worms? How do I treat them? Do they effect the eggs? I have noticed lately some of my girls have been being picked on but I haven’t caught the bully(ies) in the act. Could it be that they are being picked on due to illness? I have...
  8. Swampgal

    Treating sour crop and worms, will this strategy work....?

    Tick tock, how long can a 5 year old hen go without drinking? Thanks to BYC forums advice, am treating her with a syringe of Miconazole 3 ( off label use of anti fungal) and yogurt twice daily, plus apple cider vinegar in her water. But she doesn’t seem to be drinking, and this is day 4 in...
  9. Hildabettystella

    My girl just pooped out this worm

    Help please! I live in northern California and have 3 chickens aged 2 to 4 years. Sadly, there are no veterinarians in my area who treat chickens. One of my girls just pooped out this. I realize that if one has worms then they probably all need to be treated. I've been adding ACV to their water...
  10. Belbris

    I think our chicken has worms

    one of our chickens hasn’t been laying for a couple of weeks and has been irregular for maybe a few months. She has been losing some feathers and growing new ones in recent week or two. It’s beginning of autumn here in Australia but still pretty warm. Poop has seemed normal (until today), she...
  11. Helicopter Mom

    Diarrhea & Deworming - HELP NEEDED

    We have 17 chickens and I noticed one in particular had a bare bum. After separating her from the flock and quarantining her, I took her to a vet who diagnosed her with worms. I treated her and the rest of the flock with Wazine 17 for 24 hours. That was about 4 days ago. I'm currently...
  12. ChickenMamaSarah

    Disgusting worm in hen’s poop

    i just found this beneath the roosting bar in my coop. It looks like some kind of a roundworm and it’s big!....maybe three inches long. Any thoughts? I’ve never actually dewormed my chicken but I have given them Diotomaceous earth in their feed intermittently over the summer and I use apple...
  13. Nikole

    Broken eggs

    sooo a week and a half ago my hen had a broken weak shell egg sticking out of her Vent. I got it out successfully and flushed her and kept her inside. Fed her eggs with tums on top for a few days. She successfully laid an egg the other day so I cleaned her up and sent her back outside. She had...
  14. TylerEngland

    small wiggling worm in poop, best worming method for 4 month old pullets?

    First time chicken momma and apparently the chickens bring out my anxiety lol. My flock seems very healthy, but I just noticed a small wiggly worm in the fresh poop of one of my pullets. It seemed to be a round worm - I'm still trying to find out if any local vet offices could run a fecal...
  15. artsy.owl

    Bloody poo in new chicks

    i picked up two 5week old Ameracauna pullets yesterday. This morning they have bloody poop and one just pooped something that looks like a worm! Do I treat with Corid? Or a wormer? Advice please! Photos in comments.
  16. thecrazychickenlady

    Urgent!! Worms in chicken poop!

    My hen has been exhibiting weird behavior since a few hours ago. She would not stand up, had diarrhea, and kept panting. When she last pooped, I saw the little worms in her poop! She does not have any open wounds so she must have ingested them. Please help as soon as possible! Any natural...
  17. Relleoms

    At Home Fecal Float Testing

    Hi All, If I were to purchase equipment to perform basic fecal float tests at home for worms & coccidiocis, what would I need and is it practical? My vet is an hour away and I’d like to treat for these conditions only if needed without having to drive so far to drop off samples. Thanks in advance!
  18. Roger98

    Worm in bantam chicks poop?

    I would just like confirmation that it is in fact a worm, and how I'd be able to treat her for it, please help! Edit: nevermind, I looked up some info and I think it's just interestinal lining, I've never seen that before so I got a little concerned!
  19. patrickfoy1

    My Chickens and Worms

    We notice little white worms in our chickens poop. So I used Wazine as directed and they came back within a week. We did this twice... during that time we had to throw away the eggs... I was wondering if any one knows of a good and natural way to rid my chickens of worms without having to throw...
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