winter 2023

  1. B

    First Winter in Maryland covered run should it be wrapped in winter?

    I see so many posts but couldn’t really find anyone in my area. My chickens so far seem to enjoy the cooler temperatures (28 at night and 32-50 in days). Wondering if there is any need to wrap the fully covered run in plastic? My hens have access to their coop all day but seem to hang in the...
  2. Petfriendlyemi


    Hello BYC community! I have been getting ZERO eggs lately and I know all of my 12 girls can lay. Only a few of the older girls are molted but I think they're done with that by now. We did have their old coop removed a few days ago when we finished their new coop, but they were laying in a...
  3. Watering Your Flock In Extreme Winters WITHOUT Electricity or Spending $100.

    Watering Your Flock In Extreme Winters WITHOUT Electricity or Spending $100.

    Many of us have fell into the popularized options that surround almost all of the winterizing kits out there, making it almost hard to try to find alternative ways of heating our waterers! So if you're reading this entry, then you probably are annoyed with winters' old tale: freezing our...
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