
  1. Devyn Nagy

    The "What thread -- Curious yet?

    Here's a new weekly(ish) game we can play! Quite simply, I'll ask a question , and you answer. However, the questions will be ones that you all should have some funny answers to. I called it the what thread because all of the questions will be in the format: "What is," "Of all the [blank], what...
  2. B

    What breed is my hen??!?

    Hi all, got given this little hen, Sally, after she was the lone survivor of a fox attack that took out her whole flock. Would love to know what she might be, mostly just put of curiosity as her previous owner had no idea! I had thought maybe a leghorn but she lays beautiful chocolate speckled...
  3. DuckDuckPromise

    Please don’t laugh but...

    What on earth is a call duck?! I keep seeing that and have no idea what it means... Is this a breed? A color? A water fowl with Verizon? 🤣🤣🤣 Still learning here! Thanks!
  4. F

    What Breed/Gender? Did the Gods give us a Roo???

    We bought these chickens from a local tracker supply 5 weeks ago. I believe they were only 1.5 weeks old when we got them. They told us they were all sexed female Golden Comets… As chicks the two looked extremely similar, but one was always larger and became significantly larger in short...
  5. C

    What breed is this?

    Does anyone know what breed this is? I got 2 of these about 3 months ago, they were 5 months old when I got them. They still haven't started laying yet but the one in the first picture has started squatting so I think she is close to laying. The person I got these from said that they are Green...
  6. Interested Oreo

    Interested Oreo

    "What are you doing...?" -Oreo
  7. eveleychook

    What Sex chicks are they?

    I have 4 unsexed chicks and was wondering whether you could help me solve, the case of boy or girl? As well as their breeds based on their feathering. Please see below images. Chick 1 Chick 2 Chick 3 Chick 4 Please let me know what you think.
  8. Age-of-Goositude

    Duckling Identification Charts

    I saw allot of people having trouble identifying their ducklings so I am making these to help, more will slowly be added as I go through them feel free to ask about other breeds or tag the charts with the breed of ducklings are on them to help others, feel free to add info and make suggestions I...
  9. ChickenPerson999999

    What’s the difference between all of these breeds?

    Tractor supplies has these chickens are they all the same and if they aren’t then please Inform me of how they are different and what they are and their personality and traits.
  10. Shaycres

    Unknown Bantam

    This is Horseradish! When I was getting feed for my chicks coming through the mail I couldn't resist getting two more at the feed store. He was simply marked as "bantam." I also am not sure how old he is. At the very least, probably 13 weeks. What breed is my little roo?
  11. Chickycammy

    Is there such a thing as a hermaphrodite in chickens?

    I have fenced off areas in my side yard and backyard with two different flocks of chickens. Caprica, my Barred Rock / Plymouth Rock mix it's supposed to be a rooster. He is housed with his only companion a smaller mixed hen. She lays small pink/creamed eggs but today I found Caprica in the coop...
  12. Frosty_2503

    What type of eggs are these!?

    I was out kayaking today and came across a nest! It was super cool. I can’t for the life of me figure out what it belongs to though! The eggs are long and narrow and about the size of a silkie egg, and speckled. The nest was right out in the water, what do you guys think it is??
  13. rascal66

    Sudden death in 2mo chick?

    Last night when I was getting ready to bring the chicks into the coop, I found one dead. It had just very recently died as the body was still very warm and limp. The chicks were all eating and drinking and acting just fine. What in the world caused him to suddenly die?? I'm worried for the other...
  14. duckymomo

    Odd rooster

    I had a small flock of babies all of which came off a line of dorking the hen is easily 15th generation and only Rhode Island Red mix as far as I know that’s all we’ve ever had and my neighbors bought a rooster and just gave us..this is the first flock that’s stayed around to adulthood and out...
  15. midnoight

    freak chick or anomaly egg?

    So my father went to gather the eggs today and found a miniature egg in the nesting box. We currently have a 5 or 6 week old chick who was accepted into the flock about 2 weeks ago. It's always been a little large for it's age, and a bit more physically mature, but now we're wondering if it's...
  16. Chickycammy

    What's up with this chicken?

    We had white leghorn hens with a plymouth barred rock roo and they had chicks on March 26th. All but 1 has died for unknown reasons and even though we feed it food with 24% protein and I tend to give it eggs too it's not growing right. I don't know the gender and it hasn't grown a crown or...
  17. MiBirds

    Solved What do these mean? "Chilling' with my peeps" "Flock master" "Out of the brooder"

    Hey guys! Can someone please reply telling me what these mean? I've seen a few that don't really have to do with chickens too. I assumed they were labels hat the website puts on users depending on how active/new/what/etc. they are. I'm not sure if I'm correct though. If that's true, then what...
  18. Chickycammy

    Brooding duck hatched chicken eggs

    I have a very broody duck that will lay on anything. Well, I left her alone with her nest full and figured I'd give her a shot at hatching them. I didn't pay much attention to the eggs, not candling or checking them as I figured they'd hatch or die as I've been incubating eggs myself. Well as...
  19. OmegaSigh

    What to Feed A Duck

    I'm looking for helpful suggestions as to what to feed to a wonderfully greedy little duck. For example, what to avoid feeding, what to feed, treats, etc. I love her immensely and want her to be happily fed.
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