weird behavior

  1. T

    Sudden change in behavior

    I have an isa brown who lays nearly every day, her eggs are quite often a little weird though. Some are so thin that they crack almost as soon as she lays them, some are completely normal, some have a rough bumpy texture, sometimes the color isn’t evenly distributed on the egg (like the top 1/4...
  2. LoveOfFeathers

    Guinea Imprinted on Rooster

    I have a rooster, Casanova that was raised with guinea keets and other chicks by a hen. He knows he is a chicken. The Guinea is madly in love with him, guards his pen and keeps an eye on all of my birds but prefers to gawk at Casey and hangs out around his pen all day. The bond this Guinea has...
  3. Austinms

    Mischievous Hens

    Hello Flock, I have four 9-month-old Buff Orpingtons. They live in a small prefabricated coop (rated for four chickens but I doubt these claims) but free-range all day. I believe it is 2x2 with two roosting bars and nesting boxes (not included in the size). I have installed an automatic coop...
  4. T

    Neighbors chickens keep breaking into my coop

    My neighbor free ranges his chickens. I almost always see them running around my yard, doing cute little chicken things. However, a few weeks ago, I noticed that I had some extra chickens in my coop. Somehow, my neighbor's chickens got into the barn and decided they wanted to spend the night. No...
  5. R

    Hen Behavior

    Hello all, We are new to chickens. We have 4 hens, 2 are Australops and 2 Americaunas. They are 8 months all and we raised all of them as chicks. We have a very large coop, attached pen as well as a large fenced area. One of the Australops has been acting up and I am not sure why. She is eating...
  6. Aprilxoxo

    Turkey keeps screaming.

    Hi there I'm hoping someone can help me to understand and help my little turkey. I have 1 fully grown turkey (vanilla) and another that is still before laying age but shes basically adult size now (Yoghurt). Ever since we introduced the young one shes been attached to the older one, and when...
  7. P

    Unusual turkey behavior (with video)

    Well, looks like my second thread is also a cry for help. My 1 year old turkey tom started doing this weird pumping motion with his head about 3 weeks ago. We've already called the vet when it started, and he says there's nothing wrong with him, although the tom didn't do this behavior in front...
  8. H

    Happy spinning?

    I have a question , I have a lavender orpington hen she's almost a year, so I have noticed that whenever I give them food ,water or treats she does little spins before eating food or drinking. That's the only time that she spins. She doesn't do it walking or her normal chicken stuff only when I...
  9. Cocopebbles

    Pale feet, sideways laying

    Hi everyone, My baby girl is different recently and not sure if this would even be the right area for this. She's sitting down more, slightly watery stools, I found some red goop in one but it didn't seem like blood. I'm not sure what type she is but she's about 2 months old. Been sneezing for...
  10. J

    Ugh, not sure what to do about my chicken who won’t go in at night and come out in the morning

    I have a chicken, her name is B2 and she’s been displaying weird behavior every evening and every morning for the past 3 weeks. A little information about her, she’s about 5-6 years old and we received her from when we purchased a house back in May 2020. She refuses to come in the coup with all...
  11. thecrazychickenlady

    Wet gargle

    When I let the chickens free from the cooped today, one had some weird behavior. She was gasping, and there was a wet gargling sound. I checked on her again and she had her tail down and had a "penguin" pose. From what I've seen, she doesn't appear irregular except for these symptoms. I also...
  12. JNC

    WEIRD duck behavior while swimmming

    I noticed this behavior a couple days ago. I thought it wasn’t a big deal but when ever i walk them to the lake for a swim they do it again. And it’s only one of them that does it. Why is she doing this? And is it normal or something else? weird duck behavior
  13. Blizzkona

    What does this mean?

    So my 5 month old silkie/polish cross started to make weird purring/growling sounds and won't move. It's been at least ten minutes. The chicks started to do it too. Should I be worried? Everything was fine before.
  14. thecrazychickenlady

    Limping Chicken?

    Hello, I have a BSL that's been acting weird all day. She's limping on one leg and for a while, her leg shook violently and her toes curled when I picked her up. Her poop seems fine and her behavior is normal, except she sometimes lays down. She's eating regularly. Anyone know what's wrong with...
  15. H

    My Hen Ethel is acting weird and I'm worried about her

    This morning she was standing near the door staring at a wall. I gentle got her to come out, but she went one part of the run and stayed there. Worried she might get to hot later I put her back in the coop. She looks physically fine, but I don't think she has eaten or drank anything. Out of...
  16. Sbevi

    Chickens harvested potatoes

    Maybe this is something everyone knows but I couldn't believe it. While harvesting my potatoes the chickens were very interested in my digging and all the bugs and worms that were being turned up. I left them alone for about an hour and when I came back every potato that I had missed, almost 30...
  17. Christopher28fair

    A troubling fact about chickens

    As those of us who have had chickens for a few years know, there is an unpleasant fact about chickens that must not be ignored. Chickens can sometimes be afflicted by a sort of schizophrenia, particular to chickens. Yes, one day, when your flock is moseying about the yard, tending to the usual...
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