
  1. D

    Weeds in Chicken Run, safe for hens or pull?

    Hello! Me and my husband are new chicken owners and I was hoping for some advise. We live in the rural Midwest (Kansas) and thus have an abundance of weeds in our yard which despite our best efforts, come back year after year. Currently my chickens are in a totally enclosed run with an...
  2. kanami

    are these weeds okay for chicks to be around?

    hi, sorry if this is in the wrong forum but i have these really tall weeds and then some little prickly ones on the ground (a LOT) and i was wondering if chicks are okay near these? i was observing them (4 week old gals) near the weeds earlier and i didn’t notice any issues with them pecking...
  3. BReeder!

    Discussing Mulch in the Garden

    My garden was a mess of weeds last year. I was determined to prevent that from happening this year. I pull weeds, but I decided mulch was going to be the key to my plan moving forward. I'm hoping I don't regret it. The idea is that mulch suppresses the weeds and prevents weed seeds from...
  4. C


    Can chickens eat this?
  5. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Can they eat it? Weeds ID - North FL

    Spring is coming here, and the weeds have started growing. I don't know what these are and if the chooks can eat them! Would love input. I'm in Gainesville, FL. I feel like in the past I looked up the purple ones and they were bad? Thanks for your input in advance!
  6. K

    Horse Tail Weed/ Mare’s Tail weed

    We recently moved to a house on a river and have just found there is horse tail everywhere, including now sprouted in the ducks run we just built. Does anyone know if this is toxic to them, or if they’ll be okay and leave it be? I know I’ve read geese are sometimes used in pastures to eat it...
  7. SniperGoose

    How to get rid of poison ivy in enclosure?

    Around 2 years ago, we decided to fence off around an acre of wooded area behind our house for our chickens/ducks/geese to stay in during the day. The enclosure itself is surrounded by fields on all sides but one - our yard. Anyways, in the summer, obviously some weeds and whatnot start to grow...
  8. barred2rock

    Plant ID

    These two appear to grow exclusively in shaded areas under the Piñon trees. And these in the sunlight away from trees. Are any of these good for chickens?
  9. barred2rock

    Anyone know what these are?

    Are they safe to feed to chickens? Always thought these were wild mustard, but they don't look like the wild mustard on google images. Clover like, but not clover.
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