twisted neck

  1. Cocohens

    Twisted neck on week old Chick

    Hi there, I have just hatched 13 chick eggs from a mixed batch. One of them was fine for a couple of days but has developed a horrible twist in its neck. I have been feeding it egg yolk and chick crumb. Can someone advise me on the best form of treatment please.
  2. BabbE

    URGENT: seizure or sickness?

    1. Backyard mix rooster, about 4+ yrs old. 2. My rooster has stopped crowing, 70% of the time is roosted and will twist his neck between his legs almost like a seizure. other % of the time he will walk around almost normal, he does eat and drink from what I see. 3. It has been a little over a...
  3. Puddingtheamericana

    Possible wry neck has suddenly developed on old chicken

    i have made a post about our chicken midnight before, her leg had stopped working and crumpled up and she couldn’t walk and then next thing you know she’s fine. she even looks dead and i honestly don’t know how she’s still alive. anyways, this time around i open our coop grabbing some eggs, our...
  4. A

    HELP my chicken is sick! What should I do!

    Hi, I have a buff Orpington that's a bit more than 5 months old. She's usually a quiet and weak chicken that doesn't play around with the other chickens so much and sleeps very often. She always has her feathers puffed up. The temperature where I live ranges from about 50 - 75 degrees...
  5. A

    Twisted Neck

    Hi! I have a chick that hatched sometime this morning. When I went out and checked on momma hen I found it laying outside the nest, cold. I thought it was dead but it seemed to be gasping every few second, so I placed it back in the nest. I have since checked on it and it looks like it has...
  6. Shaycres

    What's wrong with my goose? Please help

    Something is wrong with my sweet girl Honkers. Friday she was perfectly healthy and acting fine. Yesterday, she had what appeared to be a very crooked neck - I have pictures of that. Today, however, she seemed unable to stand or walk properly, as if very weak. She is able to hold her head up...
  7. Cats Critters

    Newborn Chick Twisting neck and Twitching

    Newly arrived SLW she is twisting her neck at this weird angle and twitching randomly. Drinking seems to trigger it sometimes but it can come on randomly. Looks like her head is on backwards and she chirps loudly while it's happening. No other abnormalities that I can see. When not twisted she...
  8. G

    Very sick young hen- no idea how to treat

    My 6 month old laced Wyandotte hen (1 of 4 from same flock- other 3 are fine) cannot stand on her feet and doesn't appear to have wing or leg injuries. I have watched her decline for 5 days, but she's still hanging in there taking water from a syringe and eating when food is placed in front of...
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