
  1. cassandrapettersson

    Turtles for the pond?

    Okay so, Me and my mom have been wanting to dig a pond for a while now, and we've been interested in getting a turtle(s) for it. Though there are a few things we are uncertain about nor can find information on the web for. We live in sweden, it gets real cold here. Average temp in the winter...
  2. tofuii

    DIY turtle basking decor + cave!

    HELLO FRIENDS! I have quite the manejerie of animals on my hands but I wanted to introduce you all to my turtle who I have had the pleasure of caring for for the past seven years. He is a Pelomedusa Subrufa, or an African Helmeted Turtle (part of the sideneck family). I love him to pieces and...
  3. Lady Who

    Baby Box Turtle questions

    ok hi, one of my chickens found a baby Gulf Coast Box turtle and My father and I decided that i would raise it back to health for a while. the only problem i know almost nothing on raising turtles. so i have has it for a month now and just found out it wasnt a common Box turtle but this Gulf...
  4. Raptorchick

    A turtle hatch!

    Just to share a different kind of hatching story :jumpy:D... My mother and I have been building aquaponics systems in her urban backyard the past five years or so. She is all about teaching kids/people how to farm in the city and live 'sustainably', thus we had a few nice big koi aquaponic...
  5. S

    Turtles and chickens together???

    My cousin just had to give up her pets for health reasons, and now we are the proud owners of a box turtle. I would like to keep it outside with the chickens but am wondering if it will be safe?? I saw a few posts about it but no one who's had the 2 together has given an update about...
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