turkey babies

  1. T

    2-week EE chicks

    A whole mix of happy little babies. i know what some of them are but most are EEs. below: golden-laced (wyandotte?) EE. one of the biggest chicks, almost as big as the turkey poults. super pretty and friendly. below left: male cream legbar below right: female cream legbar below...
  2. M

    New 4-week old turkey poults issue

    These birds really don't know how to survive.. I got four young bronze heritage turkey poults (each a little more than 4 weeks old, well feathered) yesterday and I kept them in a coop with a heat lamp along with my young chickens and mallards. The chickens and mallards eat fine, but the turkeys...
  3. J

    My turkey hen lost her chick and I feel terrible

    Logically I know that there’s very little that could’ve been and even less that I can do now. My main suspicion is that something got the poor little guy. If he had been sick or injured, the hen would’ve stayed with him. If he were stuck, he would be chirping and the hen would be with him...
  4. Dwnuk1207

    Help with broad-breasted white turkey

    I just got my first set of broad-breasted white turkeys. They were straight-run from the local farm store. I have never had turkeys before but we have other kinds of birds on our homestead. I think it is too early to know if they are male or female, but I have noticed them doing some weird...
  5. L

    New turkey mom

    Hi y'all! We have , we believe, 2 bb hens. One white, and one bronze. I'm looking for any tips you have for plant life they may prefer, flowers, etc. I would like to supplement them with natural herbs around the coop. Thank you!
  6. B

    Something isn't right...i think

    This turkey was hatched last night with assistance after about 18 hours of trying to unzip. He's the first turkey I've hatched. He spent the night in the bottom level of the incubator, but hasn't stood up on his own yet. Are his toes crooked? The bottom level floor is kinda like hardware cloth...
  7. L

    Adult turkeys peck at poult when introduced

    At the moment we have a tom and two hens. One of our hens somehow have made a nest outside and it was too late when we discovered it. She had 15 eggs from which 11 hatched. Unfortunately, we realised too late that it was way too cold for them. They hatched in December and it kept raining- they...
  8. 20191228_201657


    Evangeline taking a nap
  9. Mamaturken

    New mama of Turkens (part turkey & part chicken)

    Do Turkens cluck or do they gobble?
  10. T

    Can I raise a turkey with no other turkeys

    My family raised some meat turkeys and I just had a special connection I've never had with any other animal. We were planning on getting a pet turkey but we think its for the best if we just get one. I won't leave it alone at all, I will be there everyday caring for it and will make sure it...
  11. Thecrazychickgirl

    My humidity won’t go down!

    im incubating duck and turkey eggs and I want humidity below 55% and it’s not going down! There’s no water in it but a few drops and it won’t go down below 58% my temp is set at 99.5 degrees. I have the Little Giant incubator with auto turning and circulating air
  12. jaks2578

    Raising Poults and Chicks together?

    Good afternoon all :) I purchased one Royal Palm poult and one Broad Breasted Bronze poult along with 10 Silkie chicks from the local feed store. All were between one to three days old. They have been in the same brooder for approximately a week. Can I raise turkeys with chickens? What is...
  13. C

    Turkey breed?

    New here! I have a flock of chickens and naturally had to get some more birds. I found these little guys on Craigslist. Can anyone tell me how old and/or what breed? After all of my research on raising turkeys, I have my fingers crossed that I can keep them alive until they get bigger!! Any...
  14. awyman

    New Turkey Owner.

    I’m getting 2 female turkeys. They are white hollands, about 8 weeks old. I’ve done research. But want to know everyone’s experience with keeping turkeys. Any tips? Any things you wish you would have done differently? Thanks in advance! I’ve already picked the names of my two little girls, Mabel...
  15. Silkiesarefluffydinos

    Turkey Sexing tips?

    Hey ya'll! We recently got some turkey poults and they are now close to 5 weeks old, except for the 3 Blue slates, who are about 3-4 weeks old. We have 3 Bronze, one red bournon and 3 Blue Slates.I don't know how old you are able to start sexing them based off Physical features, but I found out...
  16. BReeder!

    Brooder size?

    In the past we have used a DIY built 4'x2'x1.5' brooder or a large Rubbermaid trough. The DIY brooder is pretty beat up after being left outside in the garden over winter. Oops! :oops: The Rubbermaid trough is still an option, but it's primarily my quail brooder and I'm hoping to start hatching...
  17. F

    I have a small problem

    Hii, this is the first time i post here. So i have a fairly large coop in out back yard and we have a decent amount of chickens, recently my grandmother gave me her turkey and its poult for a while, today she had to take the turkey back and left the poult in my care, its prertty chilly out here...
  18. N

    Turkey missing

    Hi everyone, My female turkey has been missing for over 5 hours now and i am concerned she may have been stolen or she is nesting? The problem is she already has had babies within the last 3 months and my question is how often do turkeys nest? She has 4 babies here with us and they are extremely...
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