turkey 1 month

  1. M

    New 4-week old turkey poults issue

    These birds really don't know how to survive.. I got four young bronze heritage turkey poults (each a little more than 4 weeks old, well feathered) yesterday and I kept them in a coop with a heat lamp along with my young chickens and mallards. The chickens and mallards eat fine, but the turkeys...
  2. M

    Severe spraddling?

    Have two turkey chicks three weeks old. One has severe spraddling I think. I needed some guidance. I rehab mammals but took these in yesterday to learn more. One chick is less severe and doing well with the vet wrap to hold legs. Don't know how to help the other. Thanks for your help in advance.
  3. P

    Help! Turkey with odd mass

    I just processed this turkey along with 11 others. Does anyone know what this could be? I pulled it out of the cavity. No spots on liver, is this normal?
  4. Littlefrenchyinbigtexas

    Cute little one-month old turkeys. So intelligent and sweet.

  5. L

    New turkey mom

    Hi y'all! We have , we believe, 2 bb hens. One white, and one bronze. I'm looking for any tips you have for plant life they may prefer, flowers, etc. I would like to supplement them with natural herbs around the coop. Thank you!
  6. T

    Baby turkeys leaving the broodet

    First time turkey mom ...and production at that. My poults are 4 weeks old and has most of their feathers. Its 70 to 95 during the day and 45 to 55 at night... when can they go outside permanently... do i still need to wait until they are 8 weeks old or can i kick them out sooner? Also when...
  7. Lisa11121968

    Sick turkey

    I have a sick turkey he started over a week ago with swollen sinuses, all other turkeys also got it the coop gave me duramycin all have been on it for a week all are all better except the one that started it I finally found some tylan but it's in a powder it says 20% rylan and it ment to be put...
  8. F

    Issues with my Turkeys leg

    I have a white breasted turkey that is about a month old and I noticed a few days ago one of his leg appears bent or twisted. He almost walks on the side of his foot and I checked it out and it seems to me the lower bone of his leg that connects his foot to his knee is side ways. I thought maybe...
  9. Daylayna

    Chicken or turkey?

    Hey guys!! Tlittle fella is a 4.5 weeks old. There is another one just like him but has no comb. Everything about this little guy resembles a turkey but the comb. I was wondering if thi is just a mistake and they turkey will grow into its self or if he is just a chicken. I got him and the other...
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