tsc bantams

  1. B

    Silkies gender game!

    4 week old silkies. 1 partridge, 1 buff, 2 white. Saw an article on U shaped combs vs V shaped combs to tell the gender (boy-U, girl-V) and it makes me wonder if you can tell earlier bc my chicks have very clear U and Vs at this age 🤷🏼‍♀️ might as well guess as we wait 😝
  2. CloneFly

    First time TSC chicks and Broody Mama!

    Bit the bullet and finally bought some chicks from TSC. I've heard mixed opinions on the sexing for TSC chicks, so I'm a little nervous! These little guys are for my extremely broody Delaware, 'Helen'. This is also our first time letting a broody raise chicks, so a bit nervous about that as...
  3. McCluckster

    Blue/Gray bantam identification?

    Hello there! About 9 days ago, I bought 3 chicks and 2 ducks from my local TSC, and I've identified them all except for this one chick. She's quiet, varying shades of gray("blue"), with some slight white streaks in her fuzz. She has pink toes but green legs, yellow skin, and a single comb. I've...
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