toxic forage

  1. D

    Weeds in Chicken Run, safe for hens or pull?

    Hello! Me and my husband are new chicken owners and I was hoping for some advise. We live in the rural Midwest (Kansas) and thus have an abundance of weeds in our yard which despite our best efforts, come back year after year. Currently my chickens are in a totally enclosed run with an...
  2. HensAndFriends

    Can Forage affect Goat Urine Color?

    Can pine needles and fallen leaves cause a goat's urine to turn a rusty brown? I dry lot and have lots of Eastern White Pines, a walnut tree, a few red Maples, and even a Kwanzon fruitless Cherry Tree. Once the leaves start falling, from the red maple and the fruitless cherry tree, will they...
  3. lilmagill

    chickens eating pepper leaves in garden!?

    hi all… I recently let my girls out into the part of the garden where my pepper plants are, thinking that they would not eat the leaves because (I have read) they don't like them and that they are toxic. But they are eating them. Should I be concerned? Thank you!
  4. Sakiza

    Planting With Ducks

    Hello! Does anyone know if weeping cherry trees are safe for domestic waterfowl consumption? I want to get my mom a couple weeping cherries for mother’s day but not if it would harm the birds. Thanks!
  5. NorthTexasWink

    Mushrooms in run - dangerous?

    I've had several different types of mushrooms pop up in the area of my new chicken run (coop and run still under construction) and I would bet they will return at some point after the hens take up residence. Do I need to be concerned? Some are bright red, which I associate with danger. Some...
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