
  1. I

    Rye sprouts for feed. It is surprisingly easy to maintain.

    I have rye, oat and sunflower seed sprouts and my chicken love it! I give it to them before bed. I see there is lots of discussion about it- I find it easy to maintain and it’s better for the summer than just grains.
  2. My Sunflower Coop

    My Sunflower Coop

    Finally finished my coop. It's a walk-in, slant-roof design built largely of scrap lumber I found around town. Sunflower siding is from an 8 x 12' backdrop that I'd constructed for my daughter's graduation party (for photo ops). Built inside a 6 x 8 x 30' wire structure that previously was my...
  3. kelzey

    harvesting sunflowers

    how to know when to harvest sunflower seeds? i’m not looking to eat them, i’m not personally a huge fan of the seeds. i’d prefer to save to plant and give some to my family for that same purpose. and my chickies will most likely get a lot of them. but when is the best time to harvest? and what...
  4. kelzey

    squished sunflower

    i’m new to growing things (before this year, literally the only thing i grew was a strawberry plant) and i dunno what’s wrong with it but this sunflower is so wonky? i’m not too bothered, i just think it looks funny. i’m assuming it’s because it bloomed late and maybe the frost kinda affected...
  5. MissDolly

    Sunflower Cottage is almost complete!!

    Hubby has worked tirelessly, every weekend since Jan to give our chickens a nice large coop and run. There is just some trim & paint touch up to do. It’s just beautiful & the run gives our girls lots of room to relax in. We also installed solar cameras in their coop and run. It’s nice to be able...
  6. Sussex123

    Quantity of food for Muscovy Ducklings to Duck

    I am looking to start raising muscovies but was wondering how much I need to feed them (in grams) meaning for instance (completely made up) 1 day old 100g and then 1 month old are 200g so on so forth until they are adults. Will Muscovy ducks eat corn, sunflower, mealworm, fish, watermelon and...
  7. K

    Blackoil Sunflower and Safflower Seed

    Ive been noticing a ton of blackoil sunflower seed in stores lately, obviously meant for wild birds. Is both the store-bought blackoil seed and safflower safe for chickens? I was thinking of mixing it or use as a supplement to the chick feed. If so, how many weeks old is safe?
  8. C

    Any Of these Plants Toxic/Harmful to Chickens?

    Hello. I'm Currently living in an Apartment. The only Space available for Gardening is the Balcony. But Unfortunately, i cant garden there! because the balcony is Very very shady & terribly Windy. Plus, its RAIN season. so the Clouds covers most of the sunlight. I'm Desperately Wanting to...
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