sour crops

  1. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Huge Crop: When to Intervene?

    Today I noticed that my 4.5 y/o RIR has a massive crop, more than usual. I noticed it slightly swings left and right when she runs and, I dunno, just seems really big. It feels firm but with give--not hard or anything. At what point should I worry or keep her from eating or drinking? I don't...
  2. A

    Hen with sour crop!!!

    Help!!! My Rhode Island Red Bantam has sour crop. How can I help her? Will it go away on its own? I noticed that she was being really sad today (not eating, standing/sitting around, etc) and I felt that her crop was really squishy and fluid-like. Earlier she threw up a little bit of yellowish...
  3. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Hen Off Feed With Swollen Crop and Small Greenish Poops

    My 2.5 y/o Barred Rock didn't come out of the coop this morning, which was a red flag. Upon coaxing her out, I found her crop to be soft and swollen, and noticed her poops were a slimy yellowish-green. Here's some more info: History: she had recently started slowing down laying this summer, and...
  4. Three Musketeers


    Updated: March, 17th 2021. Hi all, This is my first post on this forum, so hopefully I am posting this in the right section. *DISCLAIMER [1]: I'd like to start off by stating that it is always best to go to a veterinarian - specifically one specialized in poultry if possible. I am currently...
  5. N

    Desperately need help with sour crop

    I posted early this morning about my 3.5 year old hen Kiev who last night, I found disoriented in the corner. A couple hours later, when I picked her up, she “vomited” brown discharge, which I figured meant she had a sour crop. So I isolated her without water for 12 hours, but now, she won’t eat...
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