sour crop. emergencie slow unbalanced not eating

  1. Laddu

    Sour crop or something similar..

    Hey.. I checked her crop today it feels like there's still something in it . She woke up and drink some water n eat some bugs from the garden but throw up all this after some minutes.. And today she's not active also She stay at one place standing only
  2. A

    Special sour crop situation

    Thank you to all contributors that give so much to this forum. It’s so helpful for those of us trying to help our little chicken farms. I have a girl that definitely had an impaction about a month ago. Got that cleared. She seemed like she bounced back but I wasn’t certain if she had sour crop...
  3. ECrow

    Soup crop - help - treatments?

    I have a 10 year old hen who started showing signs of soup crop yesterday. After looking up the symptoms I’m pretty confident that is what she has (full, squishy crop, “vomits” when I pick her up, wet droppings, low energy). What is the best way to treat sour crop? I was also wondering how to...
  4. Three Musketeers


    Updated: March, 17th 2021. Hi all, This is my first post on this forum, so hopefully I am posting this in the right section. *DISCLAIMER [1]: I'd like to start off by stating that it is always best to go to a veterinarian - specifically one specialized in poultry if possible. I am currently...
  5. G

    Sour or Impacted Crop?

    Hello all. Some of you may remember I posted Thursday about a 1 week old chick named Fern who was lethargic and seemingly dying. She is my first chick ever, so of course I panicked and began researching right away as well as posted on this forum and got some much needed help from this community...
  6. S

    ? Impacted crop

    My 5 month old hen had sour crop 3 days ago. After massage, she expelled a lot of sour liquid. The past 2 days, I have massaged and a bit more liquid came from her beak. She is drinking and eating very little, getting weaker. I'm wondering if something is blocking the food from passing through...
  7. N

    HELP My Hen has not eaten or drank anything in hours

    HELP like in the title she has not eaten or drank anything in hours i thought she has sour crop because she puked on me and it stank and the crop was the size of a baseball, but i emptied the crop and she wont eat or drink. i have spererated her from the flock so there isint much of a change of...
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