
  1. mill-j

    Free Egg Incubation Software, New Release.

    Hello Everybody, spring might finally be here! I recently released version 0.70.0 of HatchKeeper, The Free Open-Source Egg Incubation Software. Some new/updated features worth mentioning: You can now add a breed to your batch. I made it easy to add and remove types and breeds right from the...
  2. M

    Would you like an app to handle egg sales?

    I am putting my feelers out to see what others thoughts are on this topic. I currently use a spreadsheet to keep track of customers, how many eggs are sold, delivery schedule, etc. It gets pretty tedious to keep this updated. After reading more it sure seems like alot of people are in the same...
  3. M

    Software to track Egg Selling

    I am a computer programmer by trade. I have been doing a little research and have not found a very good software that tracks private sales to local buyers of eggs. I am curious of a couple things... What problems do you run into keeping track of selling eggs? Do you currently use software to...
  4. mill-j

    New HatchKeeper Software Release.

    Hello everybody. I've just released a new version of HatchKeeper, The Open Source Egg Incubation Tracking Software. This software is completely free and you can modify and copy under the terms of To see what it's capable of and how to install/use...
  5. mill-j


    Hello. I've been hatching chicks for several years now. This spring I upgraded to a bigger incubator. I was looking for some software to help me keep track of multiple batches at the same time. I found a couple apps on Google play for Android, but i didn't find any for computers, so I decided...
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