
  1. MamaBirds_Quail

    Chick color

    Babies are 7 days old/just starting to feather. Almost all of them have wild-type striping to some degree, though many have more silvery marks, and few have red/brown. Possible parents are: Pearl Fee, Italian, Pansy, Pharaoh. These babies have VERY similar patterning (very faint silvery...
  2. MamaBirds_Quail

    Lavender? silver? Snowie? help me ID this weirdo!

    My kid called this one Dal, here she is as a hatchling (she’s the loud mouth in the back) When she started growing feathers: 3 weeks, next to an Egyptian and Tibetan (disregard their tomato!) a different breeder suggested she was a Pearl at this point. And now at almost 6 weeks 🤯🤩 her...
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