snowflake bobwhite

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    Button Mama with her adopted baby Snowflake Bobwhite. When you have too many baby Snowflake quail, you give one to a motherly Button quail. The adopted Father who is mated with Mama Button also taken part in raising this Baby. Too Cute!
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    When you have too many baby Snowflake quail, you give one to a motherly Button quail. So cute. The baby is now 8 weeks old and he stills stay close to Mama. Also, My 4 year old Button Mama is mated with a 3 year old boy who has helped out with rearing this baby Snowflake. so cute!
  3. 2 Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Eggs in the Incubator

    2 Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Eggs in the Incubator

    Here are 2 Bobwhite eggs developing. You can see active little chicks inside with good veining which is an indication the incubation is going well and the c...
  4. quailbird

    Snowflake Bobwhite Incubation

    Hello Again, been a while. Wanted to take advantage of getting some Snowflakes while they're in season. I've never hatched this type of quail before, so just want to make sure I'm doing what I should be doing. A total of 4 eggs came in the mail, but it appears only 2 are fertile, 24 hour...
  5. Chalupathequail

    Looking for Young (Snowflake) Bobwhite Quail

    One of my two snowflake bobwhite quail that I hatched just a month ago, passed away last night. Seemed like it was peaceful, in his sleep. I'm devastated. 😢 I have no clue if it's even possible, but would anyone have any idea where I could even start looking to find a place/individual that...
  6. Azafran

    Snowflake bobwhite quail colouring!

    So I’m curious about the colour variant of one of my snowflakes, I thought - from what I have seen - that the chicks are all the same colour, a salt n pepper mix, dark and light patches with a very vague pattern on their backs. But one of my snowflakes is significantly lighter in colour, no...
  7. pecksandkisses

    Where to buy snowflake bobwhites

    Hello friends! After the "plague" of last April (all but five of my quail died due to ulcerative enteritis) I've been wanting to replenish my covey of bobwhite quail. After researching different mutations, I have decided that I'd like to purchase some of the snowflake mutation. I only want to...
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