sliver laced wyandotte

  1. Audreyschickens

    Chickens laying at 17 weeks, done growing?

    I have 6 chickens that are 17 weeks old and they just started laying. They are still so small and in my experience with my other hens, once they lay their first few eggs they are about done growing. Is this the case with these next few? I’m worried that they will stay this small and they only...
  2. Acre4Me

    Chicks with Pics! 4 Week Update - Growing fast!

    17 chicks across 6 breeds Wow! So much growth! They are turning into great little chickens. Some are straight run, so we still have some male or female mystery going on, but wattles have begun to show up and combs are becoming more obvious. They are shedding so much fluff and dander this...
  3. Ilovejesus

    Sliver Laced Wyandotte... both female?

    I just got these two from the farm store, One is smaller and has no comb just flat... is that just because she is smaller?, the other has a little comb... they are suppose to be female. They are I think 2 weeks old. ( one is back has a comb )
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