
  1. N

    Baby chick has slipped tendon, leg is swollen but zero wounds

    I bought baby chicks yesterday, and they had one that wasn't walking right. I didn't want it to die or be left because nobody would purchase it so I brought it home also. I did a lot of research and discovered it's tendon did slip. We were able to shift it back in place and make a little...
  2. P

    HELP!! Three week old australorp chick with slipped tendon and we don’t know how to fix it!!!

    This is our first time with baby chicks so we don’t have much knowledge. i’ve done extensive research on my baby chick and we believe she has a slipped tendon. It’s been a two days and she’s been laying down constantly. I hadn’t really noticed and thought it was coincidental. Once I’d realized...
  3. Q

    Quail chick hip dysplasia?

    Hey I need advice asap. I have a chick who I think is about 7 maybe 8 days old. Hatched with no issues or health concerns. Long story short I discovered it had curled toes so I taped them and went to bed and in the morning I found him laying on his stomach with his leg stretched out backwards. I...
  4. Penguinsofty55

    Really bad leg

    Sigh, so to start, this is not my bird. I'm helping a new chicken keeping family in my neborhood. I visited today and saw this. It's obviously slipped tendon curly toe that went wayyyyyyyyy to long. Be kind they did what they could with what is out there. No vet that works on birds here. What...
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