slipped achilles tendon

  1. C

    Please help! Slipped tendon too far gone? this baby is about 24 hours old. I fear she has a slip tendon or rotated femur. She constantly gets stuck on her back and has lots of trouble eating and drinking without complete assistance. I’m worried she’s in pain as she...
  2. T

    Silkie Chick infected Leg?!

    This chick is one week old. I received her in the mail with 14 others. Two were unable To use both of their legs to walk. One was a slipped tendon that was repositioned and she seems to be doing good now. I suspected this chick had the same issue but I’m not sure and it has quickly turned into...
  3. ChickyMudder

    What is going on with this girl? Successfully treated slip tendon! But she stll hasn't eaten, 48 hours old and TINY

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Backyard flock. Took my favorite personality with the best layers. Im rethinking this strategy as my first hatch has been a learning process. She could be BO and RIR or BO and BO, possibly...
  4. E

    Treating perosis/slipped tendon in chicks - vet visits

    Hey guys, I just wanted to do some knowledge sharing. I just lost my first chick today, she died during a vet performed surgery from heart failure. Some chicks with perosis also have heart problems and there was also the additional risk with her being only 4 weeks old. She was a runt, about...
  5. Momma Goosey

    Splayed leg or slipped tendon? Lost cause?

    Hi everyone! I saved these baby chicks from euthanization however, I have no idea how to help them. Nugget and Peaches have taken over my life! I'd do anything for them. I live in South Texas and we have no chicken vets in my area... I need to know how to fix or provide therapy for these babies...
  6. ansmith1999

    Chick Can’t Bend Leg

    Hello, My sisters silkie chick (under a week old, not sure of the exact age) suddenly had splayed legs this morning, one in front one in back. Earlier we did the hair tie trick to get her legs to stay together and try to keep them under her, but she cannot stand or move, and is unable to bend...
  7. F

    Help slipped tendon or torn rotator???

    I was given a baby chick she’s a Rhode Island Red by someone who didn’t want to have to put her down. I’m not sure how long here legs has been this way but it doesn’t look like splayed leg as it does have swelling at the hock. I noticed this morning the toes are starting to slight point out so I...
  8. E

    Slipped tendon treatment for 2 week old silkie

    I noticed one of my then 9 day old silkies holding one of her legs up Sunday night. The hock joint was swollen and flat, she wouldn’t put weight on that leg, and I could feel the tendon had slipped to the outside of the leg. I could move it into place by straightening it out, but it would...
  9. J

    Slipped tendon

    Hi, I have a 9 to 10 week old chicken with a slipped tendon I think, neither of her hocks are swollen. But her right leg is twisted towards her inside. She hobbles along and sometimes never really moves. She eats and drinks fine. I have seen people fixing little chicks legs, but everytime I try...
  10. TheBeardie

    27 day old chick with slipped tendon. How to reduce swelling?

    When I was cleaning the brooder today I noticed of of My chicks leg is bending strangely. It's bending back and to the side. I've changed two things. I've put up some roosts and changed to bedding to some puppy pads because the chicks where eating the paper towels. The joint looks swollen but...
  11. HuntingChick14

    Chick with possible twisted leg/slipped achilles tendon

    I have a buff brahma bantam chick that is 5 days old and has seemed to have hatched with a deformed leg. I looked up what it could be immediately and kept coming across splayed leg, so I tried hobbling her and doing "physical therapy" using a drinking glass. The more I read about splayed leg...
  12. samzoost

    chick with broken leg or slipped achilles tendon?

    hello! please please help!! i was given a silkie chick for free yesterday at my local farm because she has either a broken leg or a slipped achilles with a twisted foot. a vet visit would be upwards of $200. I'm wondering if I can stint it, amputate it...just fix it myself so she can live. she...
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