
  1. C

    Movable chicken coop run skirting?

    Hi, so I am building a temporary movable chicken run that will marry up to the movable coop (very well built and predator proof). This is what I have so far. I have 1 side and some to find some scrap hardware cloth to cover with and add some side support boards. It’s light weight (1x2) and...
  2. C

    Chicken run skirt idea

    I am building a 10x20 run. I am covering all sides with 1/4” mesh wire (maybe a bit overkill but want to be extra safe) however my question about keeping foxes and raccoons from digging under is if I can lay down 3’ wide chain link fencing around the perimeter (tie it into my mesh to prevent...
  3. MokiYoki

    Greenhouse run

    We are buying this: and turning it into a run by reskining it with 12mm hardware cloth. only catch is Ill need a skirt too. I was thinking of using plastic roofing panels as the...
  4. LisaMarie81

    Coop almost ready...missing some touches

    Hi there! Fairly new to this forum. Posted once already a couple weeks back freaking out about our new hens (as this is a new endeavor for us). I got a lot of great advice - the best being to just "relax and calm down". LOL. Our hens are 4wks now and still in a very extended "condo-plex" as we...
  5. Eilsel

    Skirt on Chain Link for Run

    So! The chicks have moved to the coop and it's pretty much all set in there, with the exception of nest boxes which I'm not going to worry about for a while. My attention now has turned to the run. I have 50 linear feet of 6' tall chain link dog panels attached to a side of my coop, so my run...
  6. Seaecho

    Burying hardward cloth

    We are getting ready to put up our hardware cloth around the run. We will also have a skirt around it. Is it necessary to also bury the hardware cloth, even though there will be a skirt? We have the 2 ft. high 1/2" 19 gauge, 120 lb. weight capacity, and we are planning on running stakes through...
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