silkie genders

  1. Cloverr39

    Are they all cockerels? (7-8 wk old silkies)

    This batch was kind of a mess. I think 2 had an extra toe, 1 has a single comb and the buff has a pink comb. I'm planning on maybe selling them for cheaper soon. I just want to make sure they're all cockerels, so that I wouldn't accidentally mislabele them. Also is the brownish one a buff? He...
  2. Cloverr39

    Can you guess the gender of these silkies? I know what they are. Do you?

    Ever wanted to test your ability to sex silkies? You don't have to be an expert to take a guess here! Even if you know next to nothing on sexing silkies. In these photos they are 3-4 weeks old. That's too young to properly tell the genders yet. That's why I don't expect all guesses to be...
  3. Cloverr39

    Silkie and silkie mix genders? | 7 and 8 weeks.

    Hello. I know 7 and 8 weeks is a bit young, but I think I've figured out what most of them are (except a few that have me stumped). This is my 2nd year with silkies, but I've learned a bit and I enjoy helping other people with the genders of their silkies on here. MC's photo is from 1 week ago...
  4. E

    DNA Testing

    I would love to hear everyone’s experiences with DNA testing, including various companies, pricing, etc. I intend to send off egg shells on hatching day. I have Silkies, so y’all feel my pain. 6/8 of my first flock ended up male. I kept two cockerels and my only two pullets. These are the...
  5. Sexing Silkies

    Sexing Silkies

    Hi everybody! When I first got my silkie chicks I searched for everything about them, especially about sexing them, as I had heard that silkies are very hard to sex. Surprisingly, once I tried it, it didn't seem that hard. Searching around, I found that there are no articles on how to sex...
  6. Mikaela Taylor

    PLEASE help me sex these Silkie "hens"

    I have 3 silkies we got off of someone 4 hours away. We were hoping they would be hens because that's what we were told but now I'm not so sure. This isn't the first time we ended up with roosters after being promised hens so I'm pretty upset wondering and wondering if they are male or female...
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