share pics

  1. sweaterthebroodyrooster

    Nature photos

    Howdy y'all, I thought it might be fun to have a thread where we can share nature photos. I have always loved doing photography, and my sister does her own photography business. Sadly my camera recently broke and I have yet to get a new one, but I still take photos with my phone. Please note...
  2. 5

    ~ Chicken-Share-athon ~

    Hey there! I love looking at pictures of chickens, especially fellow chicken keeper's flocks. So, I decided, just for fun, to start a Chicken-Share-athon (instead of marathon)! ~ Chicken-Share-athon ~ Post a picture or pictures of your chooks being chooks below. React to other fellow chicken...
  3. TheChiggens

    FIND Hidden Pictures

    Anyone can post pictures with a hidden objects and everyone else is trying to find them! It can be any theme. (Christmas preferred) How long can we keep this going??? SO LET THE SEARCH BEGIN!!! :celebrate Can you find the brown feather, black pot, and grey feather? Good luck!
  4. TheChiggens

    Pencil/Painting Chickens CHAT

    I have just started trying this out and I suggest you try to! It's hard at first but if you understand the basic body of different breeds it not too hard! I do hope to see people in this chat! I haven't seen many on this topic though. I just use a pencil and colored pencils. And blend it to...
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