
  1. Mattie15

    5 Week Old Tolbunt Polish Genders?

    They just hit 5 weeks. I'm getting mixed signals from both of em. Any help is appreciated. No comb-knobs OR signs of reddening faces, or waddle formation. I know it's still early, but I'd like to have a backup plan for them in case they're both males. I already have a rooster in my mini flock...
  2. Ashburtonian

    We think Rhode Island Red, but no idea on gender... 4 months old

    Hello from Australia, thank you in advance for your help. First timers at this end... Cockerel front? Cockerel front? Pullet left? Cockerel right? Pullet left? Cockerel right? All are approx four months old. Thank you very much
  3. J

    New chickens, sexing help

    So i got two new chicks and have started introducing them to the flock. The two new ones are the white one and the little dark one. I'm almost positive that the white one is a hen and my rooster must think so too because he tried to hop on her. I'm not sure about the little one though and i...
  4. J

    Sexing 14week old silkie chicks

    I have 5 chicks and I wanted some opinions on what sex they are. I know for sure that the 5th is a roo and I think that their all roos but I'm not 100% sure about everyone. The first 2 pics are the parents and the rest are the chicks, I put numbers in the photos so that their easier to refer to.
  5. N

    Gender? Breed?

    Hello. I have these two chicks that were sold to me as 1 Orpington and 1 buff Sussex but I don’t think those are the correct breeds I got and I’m also worried they might be roosters any ideas? 1 is 4 and a half weeks old and the other is 3 and a half weeks old. Any opinions will help. Thanks.
  6. N

    Help do I have a rooster Orpington?

    Hello I have 3 Orpington 3 1/2 week old chicks, 2 of them are larger in size. And have combs forming one of them looks like it’s turning red. Is it too soon to sex or do these look like roosters? Also the two I believe are roosters beaks have been changing color and I don’t know why.
  7. C

    Cochin silkie cross chicks hen? Or Roo ?

    Can someone help to identify the lil Cochin silkie cross chicks all are between 3-4 weeks old
  8. Amandacf

    I need help with the breed as well as the sex

    Hello, I am new to this forum and absolutely love it! The information is so helpful as I am a new chicken mama. If someone could please help me with a current baby chick problem, I would truly appreciate it! I don’t know the sex of my chickens or the breeds for certain. I have done a lot of...
  9. alcstreetman

    Just for S&G - Silkie roo or pullet?

    Uggggggh, I think our white silkie is a roo. He/She is about 10 weeks and it's getting what look like streamers? Not the nice round puff on the head.. It's also ALWAYS on high alert, and at the top of the pecking order. It chest bumps with the black one that I also think is a roo. It never...
  10. Amenbrotherben

    Roosters or Hens?

    Hey everybody, I ordered 18 straight run bantams from McMurray Hatchery. 3 are Silkies, 2 are Sebrights, 2 are Japanese Bantams and the rest are Cochin Bantams. They are 3 weeks old and I'm starting to notice a lot of squaring up and getting in each others faces. Is this a sign of a lot of...
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