
  1. A

    Help! Roster sick not sure what's wrong

    I have a less than 1-year-old rooster who has black spots all over his comb and the back of his head has been pecked at by one of our other roosters. His comb was sort of purple only at the tip about a week ago and we weren't sure what was wrong, recently it turned black and is more widespread...
  2. S

    Rooster getting "groomed"

    I have a 2-year-old rooster in a flock of 38 hens and recently they have started to peck at his feathers, not in an aggressive way but almost as if they are grooming them but it has gotten to a point where he is struggling to fly and there are bare patches on him. I am worried that as we come...
  3. J

    Rooster with red skin all around vent and little bugs!?

    I was sitting in the coop watching my chickens and my rooster was doing his little dance for a hen when I noticed his butt looked red. I caught him and quickly saw that his skin looked red and irritate all around his vent, I also saw some kind of white build up around some of the smaller...
  4. Bubba


    Our king of the Hen House.
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