roster injuries

  1. A

    Help! Roster sick not sure what's wrong

    I have a less than 1-year-old rooster who has black spots all over his comb and the back of his head has been pecked at by one of our other roosters. His comb was sort of purple only at the tip about a week ago and we weren't sure what was wrong, recently it turned black and is more widespread...
  2. Ted the Rooster

    My Roosters Feet

    My roosters been lifting his feet high when he walks and his scales are lifted and his feet are red. I’ve been spraying colloidal silver mixed with water on them for months but no change. Is there anything I can do to help his feet?
  3. TheBirdBabe

    Rooster's spur is hanging on by a thread

    One of my roosters has been cocky lately & looks like he got in a good scuffle. His spur is hanging on by a thread! He walks fine (unless he bumps it) but I'm worried it's hurting him. 😔 Is there a wound spray that might numb it? Will it just fall off? He isn't one that will just let me catch...
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