
  1. Lhynes1478

    Blue Cochin bantam- cockerels or pullets?

    These guys hatched out 4/29/24or a few days before. So they’re going on 4 weeks old. Do you think these look like roos? Or is it too soon?
  2. J

    Can somebody help me identify the gender of this 11 week old Red breasted, old English game?

    I have a 11 week old red breasted old English game bantam I posted on Facebook and was wondering if anybody could help me decipher the gender of this chicken
  3. B

    Was sure they were hens, now I’m not!

    Hello again chicken friends! I was sure all my 14 1/2 week chickens were hens a few weeks ago. Now one of my RIRs has some pointy neck feathers that have me unsure! I also have what I thought were two Barred Plymouth Rocks, but after doing some more looking into it on here I’m seeing their legs...
  4. C

    Speckled Sussex 6 or 8 weeks

    I feel like losing trust in the breeder I purchased from. I live in a suburban type neighborhood with no roosters allowed and worked with this breeder with an auto-sexing breed but have discovered one is a rooster. Please tell me these speckled Sussex are not roosters too 😭 the two of them...
  5. A

    Easter Egger: Cockerel or Pullet?

    This guy was sold to me as a day old Easter Egger chick. His comb is WAY bigger than all the other EE's that came with him. Can you tell me if he may not be an EE, and if so, what breed he may be? His legs are yellow which makes me think he is not EE. Side note: I know EE is not a breed and...
  6. E

    Is Creampuff a Hen or a Rooster?

    Breed: Easter Egger From: Hatchery, picked up at local Farm and Fleet Mix: Pullets only Age: Day-old chicks, picked up on May 7th Behavior: Kind of spazzy? None of my other Easter Eggers have this sort of comb structure. They all have little peachy bumps, but nothing like this, which leads...
  7. thronesandroses

    Updated Photos: three 6-week old roosters?!

    One of our hens hatched 3 chicks a little over 6 weeks ago. They are ayam cemani and leghorn mixes. Unfortunately today they all started fighting and drew blood so I had to separate them all in different pens for the day. Are all 3 roosters, or are they just maturing faster because they are...
  8. N


    Hello! I am new to backyard chicken keeping. I ordered sexed females. This lavender Orpington is looking a bit like a cockerel. Do you think this is a roo or a hen?
  9. N

    Cockerel or Pullet

    Hello! I am new to backyard chicken keeping. I ordered sexed females. This lavender Orpington is looking a bit like a roo. Do you think this is a cockerel or a pullet?
  10. L

    Is this Brahma a rooster or hen?

    Is this a rooster?
  11. C

    Roo or hen?

    Hey, my sweet baby Golden laced Wyandotte is 10 weeks and she barley has waddles, and is really sweet, but her tail looks like a Roo. What is she/he?
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