rejected chick

  1. T

    Mama Hen Not Sure About Taking Back Chicks After Mite Bath

    Hi! New to everything. My broody hen got red roost mites. I was unable to completely eliminate while she was sitting and by hatch day she was pretty chewed up. I was worried about the chicks so I removed them as they hatched and bathed/dried them. Eggs started hatching on a Friday, continued...
  2. RejectedSingleChick

    Rejected Single Chick

    Hi all, first time poster so let me know if there is anything extra I need to add. I have been keeping bantam chickens for a few years now but have only recently started hatching eggs. My first clutch last year was hatched by a broody hen and I had no issues, she was a perfect mum who...
  3. N

    Guinea fowl keet

    I hope it's not discussed before but I have solo guinea fowl baby fully rejected from the nest we tried .... I have a incandescent bulb managing warmth in an enclosed large crafted wooden box I've gotten the little guy to drink but he doesn't eat I keep trying to show him how to peck eat but...
  4. Libby the Chicken

    Rejected and injured chick

    Hello. I recently found one of my hens starting to act agressively toward a younger chick or runt(one day old) and start pecking it. I removed the chick from our coop and put him/her in a box. He/she seemed to have been bleeding and injured on the head. One of our guesses to why this was...
  5. Apples235

    Mama hen rejecting all but one chick?

    Hi new here, hopefully can get some advice as have had chickens for 5 years now but first time hatching my own chicks (well my broody did). Apologize in advance for the novel! Mama hen has recently hatched her first clutch, but I'm wondering if she has bonded with only one of her chicks? First...
  6. Naptownsurfgirl

    Broody hen and one partially hatched egg? Help!

    I had a broody and put 8 eggs under her. They are hatching and yesterday looked like one was half hatched and not under her anymore. Last night it was close to her Wong and I left it and this morning it was a little or agaim and looked dead. I picked it up- it’s breathing and stillnhalf in shell...
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