
  1. richardadent


    I live in Northwest Indiana, as a child growing up we always had at least 30 chickens , never had problems with Racoons. This year a racoon tore the heads off two hens, didn't eat the hens? I put a trap outside and caught it the next night it actually chewed through the metal of the trap, when I...
  2. C

    Chicken run skirt idea

    I am building a 10x20 run. I am covering all sides with 1/4” mesh wire (maybe a bit overkill but want to be extra safe) however my question about keeping foxes and raccoons from digging under is if I can lay down 3’ wide chain link fencing around the perimeter (tie it into my mesh to prevent...
  3. S

    Flock safety

    I had a flock of seven last night but two of them were killed. I believe by a raccoon. Due to inclement weather, we left the coop door open so that the birds could be inside our four stall center aisle barn. They were not roosting high up. We are now debating whether we should lock them into the...
  4. CristaBelle

    Urban Rural Interface

    Hello members, I am a city chick turned homebound rural animal care provider. The older I get the more my home life represents that of an earlier century. Originally, I adopted 6 hens from a client who sold her home to go into assisted living care almost 9 years ago now. Then I tried out my...
  5. T

    Does this coop and run look ok?

    Hi everyone! My 8 black australorps will be free ranged in my back yard but I set up this run for when I get out too late to open it up for them or if I’m away. We have raccoons here, so I wanted to make sure this would be secure enough for the girls. I have zip tied the run to the coop...
  6. C

    Keeping safe from raccoons

    This is a kennel that surrounds my chicken coop. It has chicken wire across the top and a tarp. The coop has windows that is hard even for me to open. It has a ramp and ramp door as well as a bigger door for me to get in. We do have 4 dogs as well but I'm afraid that it's not going to do much...
  7. C

    Barn Conversion Advice Needed

    We have a horse barn and I'm working on converting a few stalls for our chickens with access to an outdoor pen. I have covered the lower portion with field fence and the portion above it with machine wire (difficult to see in pic). I'll be covering the open stall doorway to the right of the...
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