quiet breed

  1. Moose0

    Breeds for tiny flocks?

    Hello all, Recently my township has changed its ordinance, and we can now have chickens! I'm looking for suggestions on what breeds of chickens are good layers for a small flock as I am limited to three per our new ordinance, as well as what of those breeds is known to be a bit quieter (if any...
  2. Iluveggers

    LOUD Chicken Breeds

    There’s been a TON of questions on BYC about which chickens to avoid in a neighborhood because they are loud. I thought it might be helpful to some members if people shared info in one general spot in a poll. If you check any breeds you own that our LOUD, then write your quietest breeds in the...
  3. C

    What breeds are best for quiet neighborhoods?

    I live in a quiet neighborhood and don’t want to annoy my neighbors with noisy chickens. I plan to get 3 to start with. I’m brand new to raising chickens, so getting a docile breed that is quiet is preferred. I want them for egg laying, not the meat. I live in Phoenix AZ so I need one that can...
  4. HomeTweetHome1

    What breed is the quietest roo?

    I live in a quiet little neighborhood. Houses are decently far apart, but noise would still be an issue. I want a rooster to breed & procreate with my 4, gorgeous, sweet little hens. What is the quietest breed of chicken (as far as roosters & crowing go), and how can I keep my roo quiet until...
  5. H

    Silver Apple yards or Minis???????????????????????????????

    Hello, I'm new here. I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about silver apple yards as well as the minis. How big of eggs do miniatures lay, and more importantly, are they noisy like call ducks or quiet? we have neighbors and had to get rid of our rouen ducks before due to their quacking...
  6. S

    Young Couple Starting First Coop in Capital Region NY

    Hey everybuddy! My wife and I just moved to Saratoga Springs, NY and we ended up buying a house with about 2 acres of forested land. We plan to start a small backyard coop as well as an apiary. Also lots and lots of gardening area. Only thing I'm struggling with is how to find the actual...
  7. G

    Quiet Hens

    Hello, I’m currently the owner of two bluebell type hens which are the noisiest pair I’ve ever met, to the extent I think I’ll have to rehome them before the neighbours complain. If I do that I would want to get another couple, but what breeds would you recommend for an urban backyard? I like...
  8. KikiDeAnime

    Quiet Duck Breeds?

    What are some friendly, quiet duck breeds? My older brother has been talking a lot about wanting ducks but because of the noise law in our town, we cannot have loud ducks. I really want to get my brother a couple of ducks, possibly for his 26th birthday next year. Our local feed store always...
  9. coltgrizzz

    Which duck breed is best?

    So sadly my last duck passed away yesterday and I was wondering what duck breed I should get next? It doesn’t have to be fancy or flashy I just want a duck on the quiet friendly side. I had a Welsh Harlequin and she was loud. Also should I go with male or female? I’ve never had a male duck...
  10. Soleil_A

    What is the best breed for me?

    Hello, everyone! I am looking to get another chicken, but I am in the city area. That means I need a chicken that is Quiet. I also need a chicken breed that is a pretty decent Egg Layer, preferably brown eggs. That was my families compromise :rolleyes:. And last but not least, I need them to be...
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