quail breeds

  1. Littlefrenchyinbigtexas

    Happy growing quails in the brooder | You now see the different breeds

    Update on our baby quails. Now 10 days old and growing so fast. Looks at these different breeds!
  2. Tomqhill

    What quail breed ?

    Ended up with four Quail - surprise from my wife Any suggestions on the breed? Thanks !
  3. C

    Any quail egg sellers near me? (Bucks County Pa)

    I am currently looking to raise quail chicks or incubate quail eggs but I’m looking first for a seller near me. I live in Bucks County Pennsylvania. If anyone has any available please comment below.
  4. Severne

    I am looking for cheap Gambel/California Quail eggs

    I'm willing to pay 1.50 each for nice fertile hatching Gambel or California eggs. If you have any other cheap quail eggs from other breeds that you recommend let me know.
  5. Myshire Farm Quail

    Quail tips from Myshire farm.

    I have had some great feedback to help with organizing the threads so going forward I will be posting each tip in this thread under the replies. Thanks to all that have kindly helped. Soooo. Tip of the day!!!!! Coturnix quail can lay for up to 2 years however after the first year production is...
  6. Myshire Farm Quail

    Coturnix quail tip #3

    A jumbo quail is not just a quail that reaches 10 oz at 10 weeks of age but they also must breed true meaning at least 99% true when hatch. So for example. We have some of our SSC the schofield silver collection reach weights of way above 10oz but because they do not breed true then we will...
  7. dfhgjlod

    Best Quail for egg production?

    What Quail breeds do ya'll recommend for producing Quail eggs? I already have my fun birds and am not really interested in any meat birds. If ya'll have any tips on where to get them that would be very helpful as well. :fl
  8. Quail Species and How To Pick The Right Bird For You

    Quail Species and How To Pick The Right Bird For You

    The Quail As A Species There are 130 different Quail species all around the world. However, this article is going to concentrate on the most commonly kept species, those that have been domesticated. No matter how different each of these species of Quail are, they share many characteristics in...
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