
  1. edenking48

    Sour Crop after Antibiotics

    I have a hen that recently got over a respiratory infection after a course of doxycycline. A day or two after I reintroduced her to the flock I noticed that once of my new pullets was pooping blood- I separated her and started everyone else on a preventative dose of Corid. I did a tremendously...
  2. Emrosenagel

    Can probiotic powder cause problems?

    Hello! I made a post yesterday about my hen (9 month old blue andulusian) who suddenly started acting weird, not herself, lethargic. Things got even stranger at night when she decided to sleep in the nesting box and then, at 12am, starting doing the egg song/distress call for about ten minutes...
  3. K

    Egg bound, vent gleet, motility problem story

    I’m sharing my story in hopes that it will help someone else if they have something similar happen. I don’t know the ending yet, but I have some things that I’ve learned along the way that I wish I’d known early on. Our Khaki Campbell, Goldie started having trouble a little over a month ago...
  4. truebluewhitingowner

    Can 5-6 week old chicks drink electrolytes and probiotics in the same water?

    Hi! I am new to this community and chicken caring and was wondering about water. Can I mix a pack of electrolytes (the sav-a-chik) variety as well as around 10 grams of probiotics? I want them healthy as possible without overdoing it. Thanks in advance for answering my question regarding this. :)
  5. chickenchicklady

    Pasty butt, going on 2 weeks

    Good morning! I have one chick (naked neck partridge silkie) who continuously has pasty butt. I clean her off multiple times a day, they have probiotics in their water, I change the water 2 times a day, the temperature is steady, I have her on an in medicated organic starter feed, and she has...
  6. Elie And Her Flock

    Liquid white droppings with green chunks

    Hey guys! I'm new to the Backyard Chickens site, and fairly new to chicken keeping - i've been doing it for 2 years now. Today while cleaning my flock's coop, I noticed that one of my chickens (a 2 year old hen) was not being herself - lethargic, hunched over, not eating and barely moving. I...
  7. SavvySilkieMom

    Anyway to harden the stool of my chickens? Recommended probiotics?

    Hi there friends, So I am in need of a recommendation for probiotics for my chickens. I am trying to harden their stools. They are not diarrhea per say, but are mostly very very soft and messy. I know that the strain Bacillus subtilis is extremely helpful in hardening stool especially diarrhea...
  8. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    How Long to Keep Pullet on Amoxicillin & Corid?

    I originally posted about my ill, 6 month old BO pullet here. In a nutshell, she went off her feed and was having pretty explosive green diarrhea, often chunky and reminiscent of c. perfringens photos I've seen on the web. Despite all that, she was still energetic (and a huge pain in my ass per...
  9. MissMarple

    To Probiotic or not to Probiotic?

    That is the question. Have a flock of 18; 12 of which are 3-4 weeks old, 6 are almost a week old. They're in separate brooders until the tiny babies are bigger and can be safely introduced to the big girls. Both sets are on medicated starter. The more I read, the more confused I get. Some...
  10. Rachmaginger

    Anyone feed kombucha to chickens?

    I have read a little bit about fermented feed and the benefits of raw apple cider vinegar, so would kombucha give the chickens the same benefits? I make my own kombucha and drink it daily and have wondered about giving some to the girls. Should it just be added to the feed or give them their own...
  11. Hanika

    Durvet vitamins and probiotics is poison

    I bought this because it was the only available product to give to my new chicks, within about an hour they were acting dopy, putting their heads down, then they would flop around violently and then quit breathing. This product has killed most of my chicks within an hour. Why would this product...
  12. chickbee

    Probiotic Substitute - Sick chicken

    Short Question: I have a sick chicken who saw a vet today who told me to get probiotics. Our local feed store was out and won't get any for another 4-5days. Is there any brand/type I can get at Walmart or elsewhere (that may even be for humans) that someone can recommend? Also read maybe Greek...
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