
  1. ShrekDawg

    Do you like MUSHROOMS!?!??!!

    Yes or no .
  2. ShrekDawg

    Meatloaf - yay or nay?

    Like the title says… Meatloaf. Yay or nay? The food not the singer btw 🤣
  3. 5

    🐓How Big is Your Flock?🌸

    Chicken raisers can have flocks of 4 to 2000! What’s your flock size? You could even share some pics of your flock🐓💗
  4. Bird_Lover_17

    Poll: Favorite Pie

    Hi everyone! I thought that I might post a poll! Personally, I love blueberry pie. Sadly, you can only choose one! Rules: 1) No spam 2) No cheesecake (I love cheesecake, but this is strictly about pies) 3) No hate comments (because we are all allowed to have our own opinions Have fun!:)
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