poll time

  1. ShrekDawg

    Does your dog like the rain!?!?!?

    I’m on a mission to find out if any dogs love the rain or if they all hate it! :lau Sooooo…. Does your dog like the rain!?!?!? Brewster does NOT or even wet grass. He melts. LOL
  2. ShrekDawg

    Ranch or Blue Cheese!?!?!?

    Which one do you prefer!? Or neither!? If neither, say something else. Let’s say, for example, you were getting buffalo chicken or something similar… would you get ranch or blue cheese!?
  3. ShrekDawg

    Do you like MUSHROOMS!?!??!!

    Yes or no .
  4. ShrekDawg


    Yes or no!? Yay or nay!? The hottest debate of the century!!! Who will win!? Personally I am Team Pineapple Belongs On Pizza!!!!
  5. ShrekDawg

    Hound Thread!!!

    . @ForFlocksSake inspired me to make this thread hahah my boy is mostly bully breeds and lab but he does also have foxhound and beagle in him :love I love hounds so let’s see yours!!! All kinds!!!
  6. CloneFly

    What to do With Cracked Eggs

    We've all dealt with cracked eggs and the disappointment that comes when we find one (or two!) in the egg box. But here's the question; what do you do with these cracked eggs? Personally, I crack the damaged egg(s) into a bowl and feed it back to the girls- they loooove the ooey gooey...
  7. ShrekDawg

    Where do you work!?

    As the title says… where do you work!? You don’t have to say the exact company or anything like that… just the field/type is fine for anonymity sake. Or whatever you’d prefer. I just thought this might be an interesting thread. Especially since I’m trying to get ideas on where to work myself. I...
  8. Everose

    ✨Forbidden Fruit Poll✨

    Did you point a laser in your eye? I was like 10 at my grandparent's house, and I was playing with a kitty laser when they said "Don't point it in your eyes, it'll burn them." So of course I had to test that out, but I didn't do it for more than a second because they started hollering. I never...
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