please don't die

  1. Chickenwithnobrim

    Egg bound or ascites?

    Hi all, I have an older hen who was already an older Unknown age when I found her dumped by somebody and she's been with me for 3 years. Last night she ate like normal and had a big poo before bed but this morning she was lethargic and wouldn't come out of the coop. I managed to get her to drink...
  2. ducklover128

    2nd Muscovy baby girl sick

    I had a baby Muscovy that got hurt a few days ago, I got her all warmed up and she was feisty as ever, so I put her back with mom and siblings. That was Sunday, I believe. On Tuesday, I fed em all, everybody was fine. We left for a few hours, came home and she was dead. Today I found another...
  3. Chicken_loverr15

    I need serious help instantly!

    My Rottweiler was attacking my hen when I came home, and he ripped off a huge chunk of her skin and ate it. You can slightly see a few of what I think are her organs? we were able to get him away from her and keep her alive for longer, she’s eating, drinking, and standing but she’s still in pain...
  4. 6

    How Come No One Will Help?

    This has puzzled me for 10 months…Literally. In fall 2020, my hens molted. However, one of my hens didn’t grow any feathers back on her neck and shoulder area. I saw some lice and treated with DE and Manna Pro Lice Spray. She never grew those feathers back!!! Then another hen had the exact...
  5. Chickenwithnobrim

    Majorly deformed egg. What the h*ll is this

    My chicken laid this small soft shelled egg, then laid a normal egg the next day, and next thing she lays is this monstrosity! She was having issues all day laying it then finally shot this out with an audible squelch this is the first small softshell one ^ and then this is the weird one. This...
  6. P

    My baby chick is being PICKED on by all the other chicks

    I recently bought my second batch of chickens on Wednesday, ( 6 female Sussex and 1 don’t know gender yet Crevecoeur ). The first day they seemed fine had little pasty butt here and there nothing alarming. The next day I started to see a little pecking when it came to the 1 crevecoeur and the...
  7. Georgeschicks

    chicken has a purple floppy comb and is not laying

    hello! I have a two year old bcm hen. she has not been laying recently but I didn’t think anything of it because she has always been a bad layer. two days ago i noticed that her comb is purple floppy and I am wondering what is wrong. her activity has been weird lately too. she often stands stock...
  8. S


    I read the assisted hatch page in its entirety four times. After my rescued Muscovy internally pipped, we waited 24 hours before assisting by making an external pip. I then waited, per the instructions turns, 12 hours (no activity) before creating the zip line and opening the air pocket. After...
  9. lil bird lady1

    Chilly chicken panting and not moving

    It's chilly here and my 1 year old hen who is used to much colder is suddenly panting with her mouth open, her wings away from her body, and when I walked in on her it looked like her mouth was watering. She's never done this before and she's refusing to move when I lifted her to isolate her...
  10. Jessica Thompson

    Mega molt or worse???

    Recently my quail has been losing a lot of feathers my other quail only pulled out a few feathers but he helped me find that underneath were he pulled away there was dry blood I do not think it was him that did the blood part but she also already did her full molt and she's losing feathers...
  11. Jessica Thompson

    Mega molt or worse???

    Recently my quail has been losing a lot of feathers my other quail only pulled out a few feathers but he helped me find that underneath were he pulled away there was dry blood I do not think it was him that did it but she also already did her full molt and she's losing feathers around her what...
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