
  1. BReeder!

    Discussing Mulch in the Garden

    My garden was a mess of weeds last year. I was determined to prevent that from happening this year. I pull weeds, but I decided mulch was going to be the key to my plan moving forward. I'm hoping I don't regret it. The idea is that mulch suppresses the weeds and prevents weed seeds from...
  2. orloffer

    How Best to Plant My Little Avocado Sapling?

    A while back I submerged an avocado pit in water in a jam jar to see if it would grow. It took a long time, but finally it did, and now the plant is almost too big for the jam jar! :celebrate I want to plant it soon so that the roots have the space they need to grow. Being a complete novice at...
  3. reddirtbirds

    Native buckbrush in chicken run?

    I’ve got a 1000sqft run that I’m working on planting shrubs and bushes in for shady predator-free cover. I’ve so far got a lilac shrub that I transplanted from another part of my yard, zebra grass, and some kind of other native shrub I also transplanted. I’m one of my horse pastures I have TONS...
  4. Mtnboomer

    Breaking Ground

    I got my first tilling of the garden done today and layed out the planting plan for it. If weather clears up, hopefully i can get it limed, fertilized, tilled again and raked this week. Potatoes, peas, lettuce, and spinach go in the ground in 2 wks! Stoked! Anyone else diggingin yet? Attached...
  5. Eggscaping

    Update: Plant math equals or surpasses chicken math

    Some of you have read the posts by New Boots and I about selling our Portland home of 29 years and moving to Lakeside, Oregon, where we will finally build a coop and run and get a flock of chickens! Well, we are in Lakeside now, on a double COMPLETELY BARE lot (and we love to garden). The...
  6. J

    How to deal with droppings

    My buddy and I just hatched our first brood of coturnix quail (15) and the little cheepers are doing great. We've drawn up plans for a raised planter bed (about 5'x6') that would let us grow vegetables up top and house quail beneath, but we're wondering about solutions for their droppings. How...
  7. Nats Chickens

    When is the best time to plant corn?

    I was wondering when the best time to plant corn is. I have a bed for it and some seeds, and I was wondering when I should plant them. So when should I?
  8. PirateGirl

    Daffodils and ducks and chickens.

    Each summer is an experiment in gardening and learning what grows well here and what doesn't, what produces and what doesn't, what prairie dogs and bunnies eat and what they don't. Doing some online reading/research I found that many critters won't eat daffodils because they are toxic on some...
  9. Sakiza

    Planting With Ducks

    Hello! Does anyone know if weeping cherry trees are safe for domestic waterfowl consumption? I want to get my mom a couple weeping cherries for mother’s day but not if it would harm the birds. Thanks!
  10. ChickChickHorray

    Planting for chickens

    Hi everyone! Newbie chicken keeper here and pretty new to the page, so I hope I’m posting in the right spot! We’re starting our first flock this year and want to plant a variety of herbs, flowers, bushes, etc. for our flock to enjoy. We really want to grow a type of ivy or flower up the side and...
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