pip no zip

  1. teacherchick

    Pip question??

    Help! Is this normal?? I am a teacher hatching eggs in the classroom. Today is day 20 for us and this egg pipped this morning and still has not zipped tonight. I saw it at 8 am when I came in and now 9 pm has only made a little progress. Thanks for any input!
  2. X

    Duck egg pipped but not zipping

    Hi all! I’ve looked at other similar threads but wanted direct advice. My duckling externally pipped about 40 hours ago but has not started zipping yet. I haven’t seen the egg rocking and am not sure if it passed away inside. The other duck externally pipped 24 hours ago and seems like it’s...
  3. CherryCord

    Egg Pipping for over 48 hours

    So I noticed on Friday at about 8 or 9 in the morning that one of my eggs had just barely begun to Pip. It is now 10pm on Sunday. I can hear the baby actually peeping in the egg but it has yet to zip. Should I be concerned? It's been at least 61 hours since I firat noticed it pipping. Also...
  4. Climax

    Ducklings still absorbing yolk?

    My 4 mandarin eggs have been internally pipped for about 3 days and externally pipped for about 43 hours, but based on what I read they are still absorbing their yolk. All 4 of them Keep nibbling at the air and opening their bills really wide, I've read this as a sign that they are absorbing...
  5. L

    Help! Pipped but hasn’t zipped!

    This little one externally pipped about Tuesday night around 8pm. No real progress until yesterday (Wednesday) around 2 or 3. It is now noon on Thursday, she wasn’t making progress at all and from all of the threads I have read on here it said to help after 12 hours. She seems exhausted. I...
  6. Curnow

    Help! Peeping 12+ hours in shell Pipped Wiggling but no Zipping!

    Need advice please. This incubator hatch has not been the greatest so far. 12 hatched fine on day 21-22 out of 32 eggs. Day 23 starts at 7 PM today. I have had 2 die in shell after pipping. It appears on had ruptured membrane due to it's rough treatment from the other chicks. The other...
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