
  1. HeritageFan

    Best breeding set up for heritage turkeys?

    I have had ducks for about 6 years, and am almost to the 1 year mark w my turkeys. No other birds or fowls before we got our first ducks. So. I consider myself a relative newbie.... although I have learned a ton! I have recently separated breeding pairs of turkeys (they decided spring had...
  2. EnnieM

    Beginner Breeder - Help!

    I’m trying to get a rough breeding program outline down on paper for up to 10 breeding groups. I’d love to hear your feedback! ((note: this is a hobby, but one I’d like to take further in the future.) 1. What is the smallest number of hens you’d put into the breeding pen with a rooster? 2...
  3. wolf-deer88

    Aviary style pen for Sebright bantams

    I'm planning to get some Sebrights soon, and will need a pen for them. I hear that they need an aviary style enclosure, seeing how they're flighty birds. I'm looking for ideas, and designs. I would love to see pics of everyone's Sebrights and their homes.
  4. sarah4hchickens

    Can chickens live alone at night?

    I have 2 cochin chickens (5 weeks) and I was wondering if it’s ok if they can live in separate pens for the night in the barn and in one large pen in the day (outside)? Their night pens are a good size for 1 chicken but 2 might be pushing it a bit. (12” by 30”)
  5. K

    Cheap Pen for 2 Ducks?

    Does anyone know where I can get an appropriately sized pen for two ducks for a reasonable price? I need one that would be able to keep other animals out.
  6. kt4407

    Again, new duckling owner. HELP!

    I'm curious about outdoor pens for my ducks. Not right now of course since it is winter here and they don't have feathers yet. But id like to have it built and ready for them when the weather breaks. Is it easier to build or buy? Can the stay in 24/7 when it is warm outside? Obviously it will...
  7. Cathy R.

    Sand, Mulch, DG or ?

    Hi, I'm getting two hens soon and I'm preparing a part of my yard for the coop, their run and a small, secure enclosure when they're not roaming in the yard. Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens suggests 2" of sand as a good base for the pen. I looked online and Quikcrete, a manufacturer of sand...
  8. MillersFarm

    Raising heritage Turkeys for meat and breeding... Advice?

    So this is my first year raising turkeys and i'm already in love. Started out with a rescue, a broad breasted bronze we named Dorthy. Got a friend for her, a half Black Spanish half wild tom. Realized we didn't have enough hens so we bought 3 royal palm hens one turned out to be a tom so we...
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