
  1. bikosblackmeat

    Producing my own crosses

    A lot of people were hating on other breeders that cross their chickens with other breed. Here is my opinion: As long as you are treating your chickens right (by providing their basic necessities) and breeding to create chickens with distinct characteristics like for more meat, eggs, color...
  2. BeaghCochin

    Will son be bigger than father ?

    hi , I just got my growers moved an have the father in with his sons (earliest being middle of March, youngest being April) and came across this big lad on the left (dad on the right) , he’s end of March born (so still a baby) , I think he will he turn out to be quite a bit bigger ? But wanting...
  3. BeaghCochin

    New to this all!

    hi , I’ve kept my poultry just over a year and have started doing some showing, have had my first wins and just thought I’d share pictures of some of my flock. I breed Black and Blue Cochin large fowl. Any advice greatly appreciated as I’m still trying to get my feet :) Thank you
  4. Katu

    How do you raise a pedigree chicken for showing?

    Good afternoon BYC! I needed to ask how on earth do you take care of a pedigree chicken? eversince we are getting a show hen next week from a breeder, so we can enter a show.
  5. BFFpoultry

    Looking for Fibromelanotic Poultry

    Hello! My name is Sarah B from the Northern Illinois area. I am looking for any pedigree breeders of fibromelanotic poultry (these are poultry exhibiting hyperpigmentation making their cells appear black). So far, my research has noted the two breeds exhibiting this phenotype fully is the Ayam...
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